
All your messaging in one place.

Powerful cloud-based telephony services to make your text-based communication easier for your customers and your team.

SMS Short code
Happy Birthday. Get 20% off any online purchase this week.
SMS Phone Number
+598 123 456
WhatsApp Number
+598 123 456
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Bring SMS and WhatsApp together.

Bring your existing WhatApp number and engage with your customers on the channel they love the most. Customers love the convenience of WhatsApp but their current support for promotions is limited. Combine WhatsApp with SMS promotions to get the best of worlds and let your team always communicate on your customer favorite channel.
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The product you were waiting for is back in stock. Get it now before it runs out
Would it be available for purchase by the end of next week?
Sure, we can reserve the product for you. Just confirm by sending back “YES”

Acquire new phone numbers.

Easily get new phone numbers that are activated immediately with just a few clicks. This is very convenient if you need a phone number right away for or need a line from a different country.
Antel Uruguay

Migrate your existing phone numbers.

Migrate your existing phone number to keep all your communication centralized. All new conversations will arrive directly to your Inbox for your team to handle. You no longer need to have different phone numbers for each team member. Your customers will thank you!

Get keywords and short codes.

Choose memorable keywords to help you capture new subscribers. You can also acquire exclusive short codes for your business.

Start sending text messages with Hellotext today.

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