
Set Your eCommerce Growth on Auto-Pilot

Unleash streamlined success: Automation that simplifies, optimizes, and sells 24/7
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Embrace Simplicity, Achieve Growth

Hellotext's automations empowers you to harness the insights from your customer data, transforming these into successful, streamlined communication. Trigger actions based on customer behaviors. Set it, forget it, and watch your engagement soar.

The Old Way: Manual Efforts & Missed Opportunities
Endless hours invested in manual tasks and customer communication
Teams stretched thin, trying to personalize customer interactions
Valuable insights and opportunities buried under routine tasks
The constant battle with time and resource allocation, trying to do more with less

Simplifying Your Approach to Customer Engagement

Cart Abandonment Recovery

Reclaim up to 30% of lost sales with automated reminders to customers.

Personalized Welcome Discounts

Delight new customers instantly with automated welcome messages and discounts.

Birthday Surprises

Automate birthday messages with special offers, making customers feel valued.

Replenishment Reminders

Gently nudge customers when it's time to reorder, enhancing customer loyalty.

Post-Purchase Appreciation

Automatically thank customers after a purchase, fostering a lasting relationship.

Order Updates

Keep customers informed with automated updates about their orders.

Winback Strategies

Re-engage with customers who haven’t purchased in a while using personalized messages.


Are automations connected to my eCommerce?
If you connect your eCommerce using one of our ready-to-use integrations for Shopify, WooCommerce, Wix and MercadoLibre you can create automations that trigger automatically on the actions that your customers perform on your eCommerce. For example, sending a message after a cart is abandoned, or a confirmation after a purchase is made takes just a few clicks.
What channels can I send messages to?
You can use automations to deliver messages using any connected channel such as SMS, WhatsApp, Instagram, Facebook Messenger and Mercadolibre post-sale conversations.

Seeing is Believing - Experience Automations in Action

SDon't just take our word for it. See for yourself how Hellotext’s Automations can transform your eCommerce business. Effortlessly automate customer interactions, and watch your business grow.

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