API Reference

Hellotext provides a powerful REST API designed for developer happiness. We make constant efforts in keeping all resources and actions simple and consistent.

All responses are formatted and returned in JSON.



All requests to the API must to be authenticated. Authentication is performed by sending a token with each request to the API.

You can create and manage your authorization tokens from the business settings page. All authorizations tokens are specific to the business it was created from.

To authenticate make sure to include an authorization header with the format Authorization: Bearer {token}. Replace the token with the authorization token.

curl https://api.hellotext.com/v1/profiles \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer ALK_eSMRuwJ2Al..."


Hellotext uses conventional HTTP response codes to indicate status of a request. When a request is valid but does not complete as expected we return a 422 error and a errors JSON object is attached to the object including a collection of errors including type and description.

A code that represents the error in string format.
A detailed description of the error.
Name of the parameter associated to the error.
400 Bad Request
Often missing a required parameter.
401 Unauthorized
No valid API key.
404 Not Found
The requested item does not exist.
422 Request Failed
Parameters were valid but request failed.
500, 502, 503, 504 Server errors
Something went wrong.
One or more possible parameters were provided for the same role. Specify at least one of the possible values.
The value you provided for the parameter is not correct. Please check the documentation for the correct value.
The operation is not allowed. Usually because the object is in a state that does not allow the action.
This object was not found. Perhaps it was deleted.
At least one of the optional parameters must be provided.
This required parameter has an empty value. Provide a valid value for the parameter.
This parameter is required.
The value must be unique and it is already present in another object of the same type.
This session has been assigned to another profile. It cannot be used to track events for the current profile.
You tried to set a property on a profile that did not exist.
  "errors": [
      "type": "parameter_missing",
      "message": "This parameter is required.",
      "parameter": "name"


All first-level collections of resources can be paginated. Collections are sorted by creation date, showing most recent objects first and limiting the results to 25 by default. To get adjust the number results you can use the limit parameter.

Given that it is assumed that new objects will be created, to keep pagination consistent you can obtain the next set of results from the last object id of the previous collection using the parameter starting_after. This includes the next set of results after (excluding) the passed id. This is also called vector pagination.

You can also achieve the opposite and retrieve all results up to the given id passing the ending_before.

Display results listed after (older) than the given id.
Display results listed before (more recent) than the given id.
Limit how many results to show. Default is 25. Maximum is 100.
curl -G https://api.hellotext.com/v1/profiles \
  -d starting_after="BvYeyVYz" \
  -d limit=10 \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer ALK_eSMRuwJ2Al..."


Customers are represented as customer profiles. Each individual customer represents a unique profile object that unifies all its characteristics and history of interactions with the business.

Profiles accept any number of properties like phone numbers, emails, geo-localized addresses, personal attributes as birthday, gender or any other customized one.

  • POST


  • GET






  • GET


  • POST


  • POST


  • POST




The profile object

Unique identifier of the object.
Type of object. This is always profile.
Has this profile been blocked or not. It is true or false
Date of creation of the object.
A collection of all the verified or unverified emails on this profile set as properties of kind email.
First name of the customer represented in the profile.
Last name of the customer represented in the profile.
A collection of all the lists this profile is part of. Show child attributes
A collection of all the verified or unverified phone numbers on this profile set as properties of kind phone, listed in e164 format.
Array of hashes representing properties object of the profile. For example phone numbers, Mercado Libre properties. Show child attributes
The current state of the profile that indicates if the profile is explicitly subscribed to receive promotional content or does not want to receive any promotional communication.
Possible enum values
unconfirmed Default
A collection of all the verified emails of the profile.
A collection of all the verified phone numbers of the profile.
  "id": "MzYwlE50",
  "type": "profile",
  "blocked": false,
  "created_at": 1665684173,
  "emails": [
  "first_name": "Will E",
  "last_name": "Coyote",
  "lists": [
      "id": "zN4Xx4Km",
      "type": "list",
      "name": "Greens",
      "created_at": 1665684173
  "phones": [
  "properties": [
      "id": "MQNKalb7",
      "kind": "address",
      "value": {
        "city": "Montevideo",
        "country": "UY",
        "latitude": "-0.349044168e2",
        "longitude": "-0.561370421e2",
        "notes": null,
        "postal_code": "11300",
        "region": "Departamento de Montevideo",
        "street": {
          "name": "Av. Luis Alberto de Herrera",
          "number": "1248"
        "subregion": "CH"
      "id": "MQNKalb7",
      "kind": "birthday",
      "name": null,
      "value": {
        "day": 3,
        "month": 11,
        "year": 1985
      "id": "MQNKalb7",
      "kind": "email",
      "name": null,
      "value": "will.e@acme.com",
      "verified": true
      "id": "MQNKalb7",
      "kind": "phone",
      "name": null,
      "value": "+59898000001",
      "verified": true
      "id": "MQNKalb7",
      "kind": "gender",
      "name": null,
      "value": "male"
  "state": "subscribed",
  "verified_emails": [
  "verified_phones": [

Create a profile

Creates a new profile.

Set the address for the default address property. You can pass an address object, or optionally provide a string as address[suggest]. When providing the suggestion string, we will deconstruct the string and construct an address object from it.
Set the address for the address property with the name declared inside its brackets. For example address[work]= will set the address for the address property with name work. The property will be created for the current profile automatically if it does not exist already.
Set the email address for the default email property.
Set the email address for the email property with the name declared inside its brackets. For example email[work]= will set the email for the email property with name work. The property will be created for the current profile automatically if it does not exist already.
The first name of the profile
The last name of the profile
A collection of list names that this profile will be added to. New lists will be created if a list does not exist.
Set the phone number for the default phone property. Expects a number in e164 format or otherwise a number in local format that will be converted to e164 using the business country for its country prefix.
Set the phone number for the phone property with the name declared inside its brackets. For example phone[work]= will set the phone for the phone property with name work. The property will be created for the current profile automatically if it does not exist already.
Set a property value by passing the property's name, for example property[Active]=true. If the property does not have a name, it's possible to target it by it's kind, i.e property[gender]=male.
Set a property value by passing the id of the property, for example property_by_id[gVlpOkwJ]=MyValue.
Set to true to subscribe the customer on profile creation. Typically this is used when already received explicit consent from the customer to receive promotional communications of your brand. The default value is false, meaning that new profiles do not become subscribed automatically.
curl -X POST https://api.hellotext.com/v1/profiles 
 -d first_name="Will E" 
 -d last_name="Coyote" 
 -d phone="+59899000001" 
 -H "Authorization: Bearer ALK_eSMRuwJ2Al..."
  "id": "MzYwlE50"

Retrieve a profile

Retrieves an existing profile.

curl -G https://api.hellotext.com/v1/profiles/MzYwlE50 
 -H "Authorization: Bearer ALK_eSMRuwJ2Al..."

Update a profile

Updates the specified profile with the provided information.

Set the address for the default address property. You can pass an address object, or optionally provide a string as address[suggest]. When providing the suggestion string, we will deconstruct the string and construct an address object from it. Providing an empty value removes the default address from the profile. For example, address='' or address={}.
Set an address property value by passing the id of the property, for example address[gVlpOkwJ]=MyValue. Passing an empty value will remove the address from the profile. For example, address[gVlpOkwJ]='' will remove the address with the given id.
Set the address for the address property with the name declared inside its brackets. For example address[work]= will set the address for the address property with name work. The property will be created for the current profile automatically if it does not exist already. Passing an empty value will remove the address from the profile. For example, address[work]='' will remove the address work of the profile.
Set the email address for the default email property. Passing an empty value will remove the default email, for example email='' will remove the default email. If the Profile has other emails, the second email will be marked as the new default.
Set an email property value by passing the id of the property, for example email[gVlpOkwJ]=will.e@acme.com. Passing an empty value will remove the email from the profile. For example, email[gVlpOkwJ]='' will remove the email with the given id.
Set the email address for the email property with the name declared inside its brackets. For example email[work]= will set the email for the email property with name work. The property will be created for the current profile automatically if it does not exist already. Passing an empty value removes the email from the profile. For example, email[work]='' will remove the email work of the profile.
The first name of the profile
The last name of the profile
A collection of all list names that this profile will be added to. Passing an empty array [] will remove the profile from every list.
New default profile address. If present, it will replace the default address and become the new default. Without removing the old default address.
New default profile email. If present, it will replace the default email and become the new default. Without removing the old default email.
New default profile phone. If present, it will replace the default phone number and become the new default. Without removing the old default number.
Set the phone number for the default phone property. Expects a number in e164 format or otherwise a number in local format that will be converted to e164 using the business country for its country prefix. Passing an empty value will remove the default phone from the profile. For example, phone='' will remove the default phone of the Profile. If the profile has any other phone numbers, the second phone number is marked as the new default.
Set a phone property value by passing the id of the property, for example phone[gVlpOkwJ]=099888888. Passing an empty value will remove the phone from the profile. For example, phone[gVlpOkwJ]='' will remove the phone with the given id.
Set the phone number for the phone property with the name declared inside its brackets. For example phone[work]= will set the phone for the phone property with name work. The property will be created for the current profile automatically if it does not exist already. Passing an empty value will remove the phone from the profile if it exists. For example, phone[work]='' will remove the phone work of the profile.
Set a property value by passing the property's name, for example property[Active]=true. If the property does not have a name, it's possible to target it by it's kind, i.e property[gender]=male.
Set a property value by passing the id of the property, for example property_by_id[gVlpOkwJ]=MyValue.
curl -X PATCH https://api.hellotext.com/v1/profiles/MzYwlE50 
 -d email="will.e@acme.com" 
 -d gender="male" 
 -H "Authorization: Bearer ALK_eSMRuwJ2Al..."
  "id": "MzYwlE50",
  "updated": true

Delete a profile

Clears the specified profile. Clearing a profile means that all of it's properties will be removed. The associated conversations will be preserved. You can restore the profile once more through the dashboard or the API by changing the subscription state of the profile to subscribed.

curl -X DELETE https://api.hellotext.com/v1/profiles/MzYwlE50 
 -H "Authorization: Bearer ALK_eSMRuwJ2Al..."
  "id": "MzYwlE50",
  "type": "profile",
  "deleted": true

List all profiles

Lists existing profiles sorting by most recent ones. Pagination parameters are available in lists.

Limit result to profiles who have the specified email.
Display results listed before (more recent) than the given id.
Limit results to profiles who have the specified first name.
Limit results to profiles who have the specified last name.
Limit how many results to show. Default is 25. Maximum is 100.
The order to sort the profiles. If an invalid value is specified, the default order is used.
Possible enum values
activity Default

Sort by the last activity date of the profile. Profiles with more recent activity will appear first.


Sort by last_name, first_name.


Sort by the creation date of the profile.

Limit result to profiles who have the specified phone.
Limit results to profiles who have the specified property value
Display results listed after (older) than the given id.
curl -G https://api.hellotext.com/v1/profiles 
 -d limit=5 
 -H "Authorization: Bearer ALK_eSMRuwJ2Al..."
  "profiles": [
      "id": "MzYwlE50",
      "type": "profile",
      "blocked": false,
      "created_at": 1665684173,
      "emails": [
      "first_name": "Will E",
      "last_name": "Coyote",
      "lists": [
          "id": "zN4Xx4Km",
          "type": "list",
          "name": "Greens",
          "created_at": 1665684173
      "phones": [
      "properties": [
          "id": "MQNKalb7",
          "kind": "address",
          "value": {
            "city": "Montevideo",
            "country": "UY",
            "latitude": "-0.349044168e2",
            "longitude": "-0.561370421e2",
            "notes": null,
            "postal_code": "11300",
            "region": "Departamento de Montevideo",
            "street": {
              "name": "Av. Luis Alberto de Herrera",
              "number": "1248"
            "subregion": "CH"
          "id": "MQNKalb7",
          "kind": "birthday",
          "name": null,
          "value": {
            "day": 3,
            "month": 11,
            "year": 1985
          "id": "MQNKalb7",
          "kind": "email",
          "name": null,
          "value": "will.e@acme.com",
          "verified": true
          "id": "MQNKalb7",
          "kind": "phone",
          "name": null,
          "value": "+59898000001",
          "verified": true
          "id": "MQNKalb7",
          "kind": "gender",
          "name": null,
          "value": "male"
      "state": "subscribed",
      "verified_emails": [
      "verified_phones": [

Subscribe a profile

Mark a profile as subscribed to receive promotional communications from your brand.

curl -X POST https://api.hellotext.com/v1/profiles/MzYwlE50/subscribe 
 -H "Authorization: Bearer ALK_eSMRuwJ2Al..."
  "id": "MzYwlE50",
  "type": "profile",
  "blocked": false,
  "created_at": 1665684173,
  "emails": [
  "first_name": "Will E",
  "last_name": "Coyote",
  "lists": [
      "id": "zN4Xx4Km",
      "type": "list",
      "name": "Greens",
      "created_at": 1665684173
  "phones": [
  "properties": [
      "id": "MQNKalb7",
      "kind": "address",
      "value": {
        "city": "Montevideo",
        "country": "UY",
        "latitude": "-0.349044168e2",
        "longitude": "-0.561370421e2",
        "notes": null,
        "postal_code": "11300",
        "region": "Departamento de Montevideo",
        "street": {
          "name": "Av. Luis Alberto de Herrera",
          "number": "1248"
        "subregion": "CH"
      "id": "MQNKalb7",
      "kind": "birthday",
      "name": null,
      "value": {
        "day": 3,
        "month": 11,
        "year": 1985
      "id": "MQNKalb7",
      "kind": "email",
      "name": null,
      "value": "will.e@acme.com",
      "verified": true
      "id": "MQNKalb7",
      "kind": "phone",
      "name": null,
      "value": "+59898000001",
      "verified": true
      "id": "MQNKalb7",
      "kind": "gender",
      "name": null,
      "value": "male"
  "state": "subscribed",
  "verified_emails": [
  "verified_phones": [

Unsubscribe a profile

Unsubscribe a profile from receiving future promotional communications from your brand.

curl -X POST https://api.hellotext.com/v1/profiles/MzYwlE50/unsubscribe 
 -H "Authorization: Bearer ALK_eSMRuwJ2Al..."
  "id": "MzYwlE50",
  "type": "profile",
  "blocked": false,
  "created_at": 1665684173,
  "emails": [
  "first_name": "Will E",
  "last_name": "Coyote",
  "lists": [
      "id": "zN4Xx4Km",
      "type": "list",
      "name": "Greens",
      "created_at": 1665684173
  "phones": [
  "properties": [
      "id": "MQNKalb7",
      "kind": "address",
      "value": {
        "city": "Montevideo",
        "country": "UY",
        "latitude": "-0.349044168e2",
        "longitude": "-0.561370421e2",
        "notes": null,
        "postal_code": "11300",
        "region": "Departamento de Montevideo",
        "street": {
          "name": "Av. Luis Alberto de Herrera",
          "number": "1248"
        "subregion": "CH"
      "id": "MQNKalb7",
      "kind": "birthday",
      "name": null,
      "value": {
        "day": 3,
        "month": 11,
        "year": 1985
      "id": "MQNKalb7",
      "kind": "email",
      "name": null,
      "value": "will.e@acme.com",
      "verified": true
      "id": "MQNKalb7",
      "kind": "phone",
      "name": null,
      "value": "+59898000001",
      "verified": true
      "id": "MQNKalb7",
      "kind": "gender",
      "name": null,
      "value": "male"
  "state": "unsubscribed",
  "verified_emails": [
  "verified_phones": [

Verify a profile's contactable

Verify a profile's contactable to ensure that the contactable has been verified to avoid impersonation.

curl -X POST https://api.hellotext.com/v1/profiles/MzYwlE50/verify 
 -d phone="+598000000" 
 -H "Authorization: Bearer ALK_eSMRuwJ2Al..."
  "verified": true
curl -X POST https://api.hellotext.com/v1/profiles/MzYwlE50/verify 
 -d email="will.e@acme.com" 
 -H "Authorization: Bearer ALK_eSMRuwJ2Al..."
  "verified": true

Unverify a profile's contactable

curl -X DELETE https://api.hellotext.com/v1/profiles/MzYwlE50/verify 
 -d phone="+598000000" 
 -H "Authorization: Bearer ALK_eSMRuwJ2Al..."
  "verified": false
curl -X DELETE https://api.hellotext.com/v1/profiles/MzYwlE50/verify 
 -d email="will.e@acme.com" 
 -H "Authorization: Bearer ALK_eSMRuwJ2Al..."
  "verified": false


Properties are the attributes of profiles such as phone, email, company, gender, birthday and address.

You can create custom properties for any business specific need by simply choosing its property kind and an optional name. Each property kind expects a different structure for its value. For more information see the detailed breakdown below.

Once new properties are defined, they became immediately available on all new and existing profiles.

phone, email, mercadolibre properties are grouped together and shown before all other properties, in mentioned order. Thus, their position reflects only the ordering inside their own kind.

  • POST


  • GET






  • GET


The property object

Unique identifier of the object.
Type of object. This is always property.
Date of creation of the object.
Optional name of the property. Duplicate names are not allowed
Numeric position of the property in relation to others for sorting.
Unique identifier of the profile that this property belong to.
Is the property unique or not. Defaults to false. Property uniqueness determines whether multiple profiles can have the same value. Unique properties ensure that no two profiles have the same value. This is useful in cases where you want a single profile to have a specific value at a moment in time.
Aside from the below kinds, all other kinds can be configured as unique, updates to these properties targeting the unique attribute are ignored.
Cannot be unique
  "id": "OBYBnY69",
  "type": "property",
  "created_at": 1665684173,
  "kind": "text",
  "name": "My Property",
  "position": 8,
  "profile": null,
  "unique": false

Property kinds

Properties have different formats for their values depending on their kind.

Each kind of property expects a specific format as its value. Please refer to the description of each one below.

Properties values are always set from the profile object.

The address property

Represents an address associated to a profile. It can help to keep track of customer's addresses. Using this property makes it easier to target customers in specific regions, streets or countries.

Identifier of the property object.
The format of the property, this is always address.
An object that contains the address information. Show child attributes
  "id": "MQNKalb7",
  "kind": "address",
  "value": {
    "city": "Montevideo",
    "country": "UY",
    "latitude": "-0.349044168e2",
    "longitude": "-0.561370421e2",
    "notes": null,
    "postal_code": "11300",
    "region": "Departamento de Montevideo",
    "street": {
      "name": "Av. Luis Alberto de Herrera",
      "number": "1248"
    "subregion": "CH"

The birthday property

The birthday property is based on the date property and it inherits its structure. It has a special birthday kind as it is specifically implemented to help keep track of customer birthdays. Using this property makes it easier to target customers by age or day of month when using Segments or Journeys.

Identifier of the property object.
The format of the property, this is always birthday.
This hash represents a date. It is possible to partially complete with the information at hand. For example, you can only enter the year of birth or the day and month. Show child attributes
  "id": "MQNKalb7",
  "kind": "birthday",
  "name": null,
  "value": {
    "day": 3,
    "month": 11,
    "year": 1985

The checkbox property

Identifier of the property object.
The format of the property, this is always checkbox.
Expects either true or false. Defaults to false.
  "id": "MQNKalb7",
  "kind": "checkbox",
  "name": null,
  "value": false

The company property

Identifier of the property object.
The format of the property, this is always company.
Represents the name of a company. Can be used to store the name of the company the profile is associated with.
  "id": "MQNKalb7",
  "kind": "company",
  "name": null,
  "value": "ACME Corporation"

The date property

Identifier of the property object.
The format of the property, this is always date.
This hash represents a date. It is possible to partially complete with the information at hand. For example, you can only enter the year of birth or the day and month. Show child attributes
  "id": "MQNKalb7",
  "kind": "date",
  "name": null,
  "value": {
    "day": 3,
    "month": 11,
    "year": 1985

The email property

Identifier of the property object.
The format of the property, this is always email.
Represents an email address. Can be used to store the email address of the profile.
  "id": "MQNKalb7",
  "kind": "email",
  "name": null,
  "value": "will.e@acme.com",
  "verified": true

The gender property

Identifier of the property object.
The format of the property, this is always gender.
Value that represents the gender of the profile. Use male for male and female for female. Use any other value to represent other genders.
  "id": "MQNKalb7",
  "kind": "gender",
  "name": null,
  "value": "male"

The mercadolibre property

Identifier of the property object.
The format of the property, this is always mercadolibre.
Represents the username of a MercadoLibre user.
  "id": "MQNKalb7",
  "kind": "mercadolibre",
  "name": null,
  "value": "WILLE900001"

The number property

Identifier of the property object.
The format of the property, this is always number.
Represents a number. Can be used to store any numeric value.
  "id": "MQNKalb7",
  "kind": "number",
  "name": null,
  "value": 29.99

The phone property

Identifier of the property object.
The format of the property, this is always phone.
Represents a phone number. Can be used to store the phone number of the profile.
  "id": "MQNKalb7",
  "kind": "phone",
  "name": null,
  "value": "+59898000001",
  "verified": true

The tags property

Identifier of the property object.
The format of the property. This is always tags.
Represents a collection of tags.
  "id": "MQNKalb7",
  "kind": "tags",
  "name": null,
  "value": [

The text property

Identifier of the property object.
The format of the property, this is always text.
Represents any specified text. Can be used for notes about the profile or to store any business specific metadata.
  "id": "MQNKalb7",
  "kind": "text",
  "name": null,
  "value": "Long lasting customer"

The url property

Identifier of the property object.
The format of the property, this is always url.
Represents a URL. Can be used to store a link to a website or any other web resource.
  "id": "MQNKalb7",
  "kind": "url",
  "name": null,
  "value": "https://www.hellotext.com"

Create a property

Creates a new property.

The format of the property.
Possible enum values
The name of the property. Certain restrictions apply to the name of the property when set:
  • - Name cannot be duplicate.
  • - Name cannot start with a number. For example, 1st-name is invalid.
  • - Name cannot contain curly brackets. For example, {name} is invalid.
Numeric position of the property in relation to others for sorting. New properties get the last position number if not specified. If specified, existing properties will update their positions accordingly. Accepted values must be greater than zero
Unique identifier of the profile that this property belong to. If specified, the property becomes only available for the specified profile and will not be visible to others. It can only be assigned to address, email or phone. Required when the property kind is address, email or phone.
Is the property unique or not. Defaults to false. Property uniqueness determines whether multiple profiles can have the same value. Unique properties ensure that no two profiles have the same value. This is useful in cases where you want a single profile to have a specific value at a moment in time.
curl -X POST https://api.hellotext.com/v1/properties 
 -d profile="OBYBnY69" 
 -d kind="text" 
 -d name="My Property" 
 -H "Authorization: Bearer ALK_eSMRuwJ2Al..."
  "id": "OBYBnY69",
  "type": "property",
  "created_at": 1665684173,
  "kind": "text",
  "name": "My Property",
  "position": 8,
  "profile": "OBYBnY69",
  "unique": false

Retrieve a property

Retrieves an existing property.

curl -G https://api.hellotext.com/v1/properties/OBYBnY69 
 -H "Authorization: Bearer ALK_eSMRuwJ2Al..."

Update a property

Updates the specified property with the provided information.

The name of the property. Certain restrictions apply to the name of the property when set:
  • - Name cannot be duplicate.
  • - Name cannot start with a number. For example, 1st-name is invalid.
  • - Name cannot contain curly brackets. For example, {name} is invalid.
Numeric position of the property in relation to others for sorting. New properties get the last position number if not specified. If specified, existing properties will update their positions accordingly. Accepted values must be greater than zero. Providing an empty value position='' moves the property to the bottom of the properties list.
Changes the uniqueness of the property. Converting a non unique property to unique will fail if multiple profiles have the same value. In these cases you need to resolve the conflict before continuing to make the property unique.
curl -X PATCH https://api.hellotext.com/v1/properties/:id 
 -d name="My Renamed Property" 
 -H "Authorization: Bearer ALK_eSMRuwJ2Al..."
  "id": "OBYBnY69",
  "type": "property",
  "created_at": 1665684173,
  "kind": "text",
  "name": "My Renamed Property",
  "position": 8,
  "profile": null,
  "unique": false

Delete a property

Permanently deletes the specified property.

curl -X DELETE https://api.hellotext.com/v1/properties/OBYBnY69 
 -H "Authorization: Bearer ALK_eSMRuwJ2Al..."
  "id": "OBYBnY69",
  "type": "property",
  "deleted": true

List all properties

Lists existing properties sorting by most recent ones. Pagination parameters are available in lists.

Display results listed before (more recent) than the given id.
Limit how many results to show. Default is 25. Maximum is 100.
Unique identifier of the profile.
Display results listed after (older) than the given id.
curl -G https://api.hellotext.com/v1/properties 
 -d limit=5 
 -H "Authorization: Bearer ALK_eSMRuwJ2Al..."
  "properties": [
      "id": "OBYBnY69",
      "type": "property",
      "created_at": 1665684173,
      "kind": "text",
      "name": "My Property",
      "position": 8,
      "profile": null,
      "unique": false


Lists act as logical grouping of profiles.

  • POST


  • GET






  • GET


The list object

Unique identifier of the object.
Type of object. This is always list.
Date of creation of the object.
Name of the list, case-sensitive. Duplicate names are not allowed
  "id": "zN4Xx4Km",
  "type": "list",
  "name": "Greens",
  "created_at": 1665684173

Create a list

Creates a new list.

Name of the list, case-insensitive. Duplicate names are not allowed.
curl -X POST https://api.hellotext.com/v1/lists 
 -d name="Beauty & Care" 
 -H "Authorization: Bearer ALK_eSMRuwJ2Al..."
  "id": "zN4Xx4Km",
  "type": "list",
  "name": "Beauty & Care",
  "created_at": 1665684173

Retrieve a list

Retrieves an existing list. You can fetch an existing List by it's id or name attributes.

curl -G https://api.hellotext.com/v1/lists/zN4Xx4Km 
 -H "Authorization: Bearer ALK_eSMRuwJ2Al..."

Update a list

Updates an existing list. You can update a List by it's id or name attributes.

Name of the list, case-insensitive. Duplicate names are not allowed.
curl -X PATCH https://api.hellotext.com/v1/lists/zN4Xx4Km 
 -d name="Loyal customers" 
 -H "Authorization: Bearer ALK_eSMRuwJ2Al..."
  "id": "zN4Xx4Km",
  "type": "list",
  "name": "Loyal customers",
  "created_at": 1665684173

Delete a list

Deletes an existing list. You can delete a List by it's id or name attributes.

curl -X DELETE https://api.hellotext.com/v1/lists/zN4Xx4Km 
 -H "Authorization: Bearer ALK_eSMRuwJ2Al..."
  "id": "zN4Xx4Km",
  "type": "list",
  "deleted": true

List all lists

Lists existing lists sorting by most recent ones. Pagination parameters are available in lists.

Display results listed before (more recent) than the given id.
Limit how many results to show. Default is 25. Maximum is 100.
Display lists whose name start with the provided value
Display results listed after (older) than the given id.
curl -G https://api.hellotext.com/v1/lists 
 -d limit=5 
 -H "Authorization: Bearer ALK_eSMRuwJ2Al..."
  "lists": [
      "id": "zN4Xx4Km",
      "type": "list",
      "name": "Greens",
      "created_at": 1665684173

Add Profile to a List

Adds a profile to a list if the profile is not already in the list. You can specify the list by its id or name attributes.

curl -X POST https://api.hellotext.com/v1/lists/dWJ8VYmz/profiles/MzYwlE50 \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer ALK_eSMRuwJ2Al..."
  "id": "MzYwlE50",
  "type": "profile",
  "blocked": false,
  "created_at": 1665684173,
  "emails": [
  "first_name": "Will E",
  "last_name": "Coyote",
  "lists": [
      "id": "zN4Xx4Km",
      "type": "list",
      "name": "Greens",
      "created_at": 1665684173
  "phones": [
  "properties": [
      "id": "MQNKalb7",
      "kind": "address",
      "value": {
        "city": "Montevideo",
        "country": "UY",
        "latitude": "-0.349044168e2",
        "longitude": "-0.561370421e2",
        "notes": null,
        "postal_code": "11300",
        "region": "Departamento de Montevideo",
        "street": {
          "name": "Av. Luis Alberto de Herrera",
          "number": "1248"
        "subregion": "CH"
      "id": "MQNKalb7",
      "kind": "birthday",
      "name": null,
      "value": {
        "day": 3,
        "month": 11,
        "year": 1985
      "id": "MQNKalb7",
      "kind": "email",
      "name": null,
      "value": "will.e@acme.com",
      "verified": true
      "id": "MQNKalb7",
      "kind": "phone",
      "name": null,
      "value": "+59898000001",
      "verified": true
      "id": "MQNKalb7",
      "kind": "gender",
      "name": null,
      "value": "male"
  "state": "subscribed",
  "verified_emails": [
  "verified_phones": [

Remove Profile from a List

Removes a profile from a list if the profile is a member in the list. You can specify the list by its id or name attributes.

curl -X DELETE https://api.hellotext.com/v1/lists/dWJ8VYmz/profiles/MzYwlE50 \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer ALK_eSMRuwJ2Al..."
  "id": "MzYwlE50",
  "type": "profile",
  "blocked": false,
  "created_at": 1665684173,
  "emails": [
  "first_name": "Will E",
  "last_name": "Coyote",
  "lists": [],
  "phones": [
  "properties": [
      "id": "MQNKalb7",
      "kind": "address",
      "value": {
        "city": "Montevideo",
        "country": "UY",
        "latitude": "-0.349044168e2",
        "longitude": "-0.561370421e2",
        "notes": null,
        "postal_code": "11300",
        "region": "Departamento de Montevideo",
        "street": {
          "name": "Av. Luis Alberto de Herrera",
          "number": "1248"
        "subregion": "CH"
      "id": "MQNKalb7",
      "kind": "birthday",
      "name": null,
      "value": {
        "day": 3,
        "month": 11,
        "year": 1985
      "id": "MQNKalb7",
      "kind": "email",
      "name": null,
      "value": "will.e@acme.com",
      "verified": true
      "id": "MQNKalb7",
      "kind": "phone",
      "name": null,
      "value": "+59898000001",
      "verified": true
      "id": "MQNKalb7",
      "kind": "gender",
      "name": null,
      "value": "male"
  "state": "subscribed",
  "verified_emails": [
  "verified_phones": [

The Template Object

The template object represents a reusable message that can be quickly reused on the Compose.

With templates, you create your message once and reuse it as many times as you want. You don't need to rewrite the same message multiple times.

You can create a template for a message that you send frequently, such as a weekly newsletter, a monthly report, or a reminder.

Templates are composed of components, which represent different parts of the message. Some technologies support template components such as WhatsApp, others such as SMS do not. If a template is sent via SMS, even if it contains other components, only the body component is used.

Templates are made up of four primary components which you define when you create a template: header, body, footer, and buttons. The components you choose for each of your templates should be based on your business needs. The only required component is the body component. In the aforementioned paragraph, we mentioned that if a template is sent via SMS, only the body component is used.

The optional header component supports three types, address, attachment and text. Address headers are shown as a map preview that opens the customer's default map app on their device. Attachment headers are shown as a preview of the attachment. Text headers are shown on WhatsApp as a header above the message, and they are limited to 60 characters

The required body component is the actual message content. This is the main part of the message that you want to send. It supports parameters, which are placeholders that you can use to personalize the message for each recipient.

The optional footer component is shown at the bottom of the message. It can be used to provide additional information or a call to action. We recommend to use the footer component to provide a way for the recipient to opt-out of receiving messages. Such as "Send STOP to unsubscribe". The footer is limited to 160 characters.

The optional buttons component is shown at the bottom of the message. It can be used to provide a way for the recipient to interact with the message. Templates support up-to 10 buttons in total. Each type has a certain limit as well, read below for more information.

  • POST


  • GET






  • GET


The Template Object

Unique identifier of the object.
Type of object. This is always template.
The body of the template.
The buttons associated with the template. They are ordered based on the index or the position parameter you specified when creating or updating the template. Show child attributes
Date of creation of the object.
The footer of the template.
The header component of the template. Show child attributes
The name of the template.
The state of the template.
Possible enum values

The template is approved and can be used to send messages. Templates that target sms or any(when the business has not integrated a WhatsApp account) are automatically set to approved state.


The template is pending approval. Templates that target whatsapp or any(when the business has integrated a WhatsApp account) are automatically set to pending state. Once the WhatsApp template is approved, it is set to approved state.


The template is rejected and cannot be used to send messages. Update the template to resubmit for approval.

The target platform intended for the template.
Possible enum values
any Default

An alias for all connected platforms at the time of the inception of the template, SMS, WhatsApp, Instagram, etc. If at the time of the inception of the template the business has not integrated WhatsApp, and integrated WhatsApp at a later date, a WhatsApp template is automatically created.


This template is intended for SMS messages. The template cannot be used on WhatsApp.


This template is intended for WhatsApp messages. The template cannot be used on SMS.

  "id": "MzYwlE50",
  "type": "template",
  "body": "Hello, how can I help you today?",
  "buttons": [
      "type": "copy",
      "copy": "123456",
      "text": "Copy text"
      "type": "url",
      "text": "Visit our website",
      "url": "https://example.com"
      "type": "phone",
      "phone": "+1234567890",
      "text": "Call us"
      "type": "quick_reply",
      "text": "Button text"
      "type": "quick_reply",
      "text": "Button text"
      "type": "quick_reply",
      "text": "Button text"
  "created_at": 1665684173,
  "footer": "Send STOP to unsubscribe",
  "state": "approved",
  "header": {
    "type": "text",
    "text": "Welcome to our store"

Header types

The header component is optional and supports three types, address, attachment and text. Text headers are shown on WhatsApp as a header above the message, and they are limited to 60 characters. Attachment headers are shown as a preview of the attachment.

The address header type is used to display a clickable map that opens the customer's default map application. This is useful for providing the recipient with a location or directions to a location, like a store or office.

The text header type is used to display a text header above the message. The text header is limited to 60 characters.

The attachment header type is used to display a preview of an attachment. The attachment is downloaded and stored on Hellotext's servers. The attachment is shown as a preview of the attachment. The attachment is not shown on SMS messages.

Notes about attachments

  • Each platform has different limitations on the size and type of attachments that can be sent. Below is a list of supported file types and the maximum file size for each platform.
  • While Hellotext automatically converts the attachment to a format that is supported by the platform, it's best for the attachment to be in the supported formats to avoid data-loss during conversion. Make sure the file size is within the platform's limitations highlighted below.
Whatsapp Attachment Limitations
Media Type Supported Formats Maximum Size


jpeg, png



3gp, mp4



pdf, doc, docx, ppt, pptx, xls, xlsx


Instagram Attachment Limitations
Media Type Supported Formats Maximum Size


png, jpeg, gif



mp4, ogg, avi, mov, webm


  "type": "address",
  "address": {
    "city": "Montevideo",
    "country": "UY",
    "latitude": "-0.349044168e2",
    "longitude": "-0.561370421e2",
    "notes": null,
    "postal_code": "11300",
    "region": "Departamento de Montevideo",
    "street": {
      "name": "Av. Luis Alberto de Herrera",
      "number": "1248"
    "subregion": "CH"
  "type": "text",
  "text": "Welcome to our store"
  "type": "attachment",
  "attachment_url": "https://www.hellotext.com/my-amazing-image.jpg"

Template body

The body component is the only required component of a template. This is the main part of the message that you want to send. It supports parameters, which are placeholders that you can use to personalize the message for each recipient.

Parameters are dynamic tags that you can use to personalize the message for each recipient. When you send a template message, you can replace the parameters with the actual values.

There are two categories of parameters you can use in a template, these are tags. and shortlinks.

Parameters are embedded in the body of the template, they are enclosed inside a curly brace {}. When you send a template message, you can replace the parameters with the actual values.

Property tags

Property tags are used to personalize the message with the recipient's information. For example, you can use the recipient's name, email address, or phone number. Additionally, you can use any custom properties that you have defined.

See the Properties for more information on how to create a property. You can also create properties in the dashboard.

Learn more about tags and how they work, and the rules applied to them.



Target's the profile's first name.


Target's the profile's full name.


Target's the profile's last name.


Target's the profile's birthday.


Target's the profile's default email address.


Target's the profile's default phone number.


Target's the profile's default address.


Target's the profile's company property.

In addition to the above tags, you are free to target any custom property you have defined.

The rules are simple, you write the name of the property inside curly braces {}. Although the casing is insensitive, it is recommended to use the same casing as the property name.

  "id": "MzYwlE50",
  "type": "template",
  "body": "Hello {name}, thank you for contacting us. Our team will get back to you shortly."
  "id": "MzYwlE50",
  "type": "template",
  "body": "Hello {name}, since {birthday} is your birthday, we have a special gift for you. Click the link to claim it."
  "id": "MzYwlE50",
  "type": "template",
  "body": "Hello {name}, we have sent further details to {email}."
  "id": "MzYwlE50",
  "type": "template",
  "body": "Hello {name}, with passport number {passport}, your ticket is confirmed. Have a safe trip."

Shortlink tags

ShortLinks is link-shortening service operated by Hellotext that allows you to shorten URLs and redirect them to a specific URL.

ShortLink redirects attach a hello_session identifier to the URL, then you can leverage Hellotext.js to track events and user's interaction with the ShortLink back to Hellotext. These events appear in the Activity Trail of that profile.

Using ShortLinks in templates is straightforward, the same rules apply as with property tags. There are two categories of ShortLinks, dynamic and static.

Static ShortLinks

Static ShortLinks are short links that are the same for all recipients. This is useful if you want to track the number of clicks on a specific URL.

The format is {shortlink:url}, where url is the URL you want to shorten. For example, {shortlink:https://hellotext.com} generates a ShortLink that redirects to https://hellotext.com while attaching a hello_session identifier.

Dynamic ShortLinks

Dynamic ShortLinks are short links that are personalized for each recipient. This is useful if each message you send to a customer has a unique URL specific to that customer.

The format is {shortlink:name}, where name is the variable name you want to use.

For example, if you want to send a message to a customer with a unique URL to their account page, you can use {shortlink:account} as the ShortLink. When you send the message, you replace the ShortLink with the actual URL.

  "id": "MzYwlE50",
  "type": "template",
  "body": "Hello {name}, celebrate the holidays season with our special limited time offers. Click {shortlink:https://shop.com/holidays} to view the collection."
  "id": "MzYwlE50",
  "type": "template",
  "body": "Hello {name}, this is a remainder that your appointment is scheduled for {date}. Click {shortlink:appointment} to view the details, or you can reschedule by clicking {shortlink:reschedule}."

Button types

Buttons are optional interactive components that perform specific actions when tapped. Templates can have a mixture of up to 10 button components total, although there are limits to individual buttons of the same type as well as combination limits. These limits are described below.

Buttons can include a position argument between 0 and 9 to indicate the order of the button, an automatic position is selected based on the index of the button when creating or updating template buttons.

URL buttons

URL buttons load the specified URL in the device's default web browser when tapped by the app user.

Hellotext shortens URL buttons that enable attribution tracking to know exactly who and how many times a URL button was clicked.

Type of object. This is always url.
The text to display on the button. 25 characters maximum.
The URL to load when the button is tapped.
  "type": "url",
  "text": "Visit our website",
  "url": "https://example.com"

Phone buttons

Phone number buttons call the specified business phone number when tapped by the app user.

Templates are limited to 1 phone number button.

Type of object. This is always phone.
The phone number to call when the button is tapped. Maximum 20 characters.
The text to display on the button. 25 characters maximum.
  "type": "phone",
  "phone": "+1234567890",
  "text": "Call us"

Quick Reply buttons

Quick reply buttons are custom text-only buttons that immediately message you with the specified text string when tapped by the app user. A common use case-case is a button that allows your customer to easily opt-out of any marketing messages.

Templates are limited to 10 quick reply buttons.

Type of object. This is always quick_reply.
The text to display on the button. 25 characters maximum.
  "type": "quick_reply",
  "text": "Button text"

Copy buttons

Copy code buttons copy a text string (defined when the template is sent in a template message) to the device's clipboard when tapped by the app user.

Templates are limited to 1 copy code button.

Type of object. This is always copy.
The text to copy to the clipboard when the button is tapped. 15 characters maximum.
The text to display on the button. 25 characters maximum.
  "type": "copy",
  "copy": "123456",
  "text": "Copy text"

Create a Template

Creates a new template object.


  • WhatsApp templates are limited to 1024 characters. WhatsApp templates can only be created when the business has an integrated WhatsApp Business account that has not been disabled, restricted or banned.
  • SMS templates are limited to 160 characters.
  • SMS template do not support header, footer, or buttons components. Attempting to assign these components returns an invalid error.
The body of the template.
The buttons associated with the template. Maximum 10 buttons in total. Refer to the button types for more information.

An automatic position is selected based on the index of the button when no position is specified. You may include an optional position argument between 1 and 10 to indicate the order of the button. Show child attributes
The footer of the template.
The header component of the template. Show child attributes
The name of the template. Case sensitive, duplicate names are not allowed.
The target platform intended for the template. WhatsApp can only be set when the business has integrated a WhatsApp account. If you try to create a WhatsApp template but you have not integrated WhatsApp, an error is returned.

any - is an alias for all connected platforms, SMS, WhatsApp, Instagram, etc. When the business has integrated a WhatsApp account, any will create the template to target both WhatsApp and SMS.

sms - This template is intended for SMS messages. The template cannot be used on WhatsApp.

whatsapp - This template is intended for WhatsApp messages. The template cannot be used on SMS. Templates that target WhatsApp are automatically set to pending state. Once the WhatsApp template is approved, it is set to approved state.
Possible enum values
any Default
curl -X POST https://api.hellotext.com/v1/templates 
 -d body="Hello {name}, how can we assist you today?" 
 -d footer="One of our agents will be with you shortly." 
 -H "Authorization: Bearer ALK_eSMRuwJ2Al..."
  "id": "MzYwlE50",
  "type": "template",
  "body": "Hello, how can I help you today?",
  "buttons": [
      "type": "copy",
      "copy": "123456",
      "text": "Copy text"
      "type": "url",
      "text": "Visit our website",
      "url": "https://example.com"
      "type": "phone",
      "phone": "+1234567890",
      "text": "Call us"
      "type": "quick_reply",
      "text": "Button text"
      "type": "quick_reply",
      "text": "Button text"
      "type": "quick_reply",
      "text": "Button text"
  "created_at": 1665684173,
  "footer": "Send STOP to unsubscribe",
  "state": "approved",
  "header": {
    "type": "text",
    "text": "Welcome to our store"

Retrieve a Template

Retrieves a template object.

curl -G https://api.hellotext.com/v1/templates/xJEOaPdk 
 -H "Authorization: Bearer ALK_eSMRuwJ2Al..."
  "id": "xJEOaPdk",
  "type": "template",
  "body": "Hello, how can I help you today?",
  "buttons": [
      "type": "copy",
      "copy": "123456",
      "text": "Copy text"
      "type": "url",
      "text": "Visit our website",
      "url": "https://example.com"
      "type": "phone",
      "phone": "+1234567890",
      "text": "Call us"
      "type": "quick_reply",
      "text": "Button text"
      "type": "quick_reply",
      "text": "Button text"
      "type": "quick_reply",
      "text": "Button text"
  "created_at": 1665684173,
  "footer": "Send STOP to unsubscribe",
  "state": "approved",
  "header": {
    "type": "text",
    "text": "Welcome to our store"

Update a Template

Updates a template object.

Notes about WhatsApp templates

  • Templates that target WhatsApp are limited to 1 updates per day. This means that if you update a WhatsApp template, you cannot update it again until 24 hours have passed. Attempting to update a WhatsApp template more than once in a day will be rejected with an invalid error.
  • In addition, a WhatsApp template can only be edited when it's either approved, rejected or paused. Attempting to update a WhatsApp template that is in the pending state will be rejected with an invalid error.
  • Names cannot be changed. If you supply name in the parameters, it is ignored.
The body of the template.
The buttons associated with the template. An automatic position is selected based on the index of the button. You may pass an empty array [] to remove all of the buttons of the template. Show child attributes
The footer of the template.
The header component of the template. You can pass null or {} to remove the header. If the header's type was an attachment, the attachment is deleted from Hellotext's servers. Show child attributes
The name of the template. Case sensitive, duplicate names are not allowed. If the template targets WhatsApp, updates to the name are ignored. This is because WhatsApp template names cannot be changed once they are created.
The target platform intended for the template. Once changed, it becomes unusable on the previous platform. For example, changing the technology from whatsapp to sms will make the template unusable on WhatsApp, this means that you will not be able to send messages using this template on WhatsApp.

WhatsApp can only be set when the business has integrated a WhatsApp account. If you try to create a WhatsApp template but you have not integrated WhatsApp, an error is returned.
Possible enum values
any Default
curl -X PATCH https://api.hellotext.com/v1/templates/xJEOaPdk 
 -H "Authorization: Bearer ALK_eSMRuwJ2Al..."
  "id": "xJEOaPdk",
  "type": "template",
  "body": "Hello, how can I help you today?",
  "buttons": [
      "type": "copy",
      "copy": "123456",
      "text": "Copy text"
      "type": "url",
      "text": "Visit our website",
      "url": "https://example.com"
      "type": "phone",
      "phone": "+1234567890",
      "text": "Call us"
      "type": "quick_reply",
      "text": "Button text"
      "type": "quick_reply",
      "text": "Button text"
      "type": "quick_reply",
      "text": "Button text"
  "created_at": 1665684173,
  "footer": "Send STOP to unsubscribe",
  "state": "approved",
  "header": {
    "type": "text",
    "text": "Welcome to our store"

Destroy a Template

Deletes a template object.

The template object is kept for internal reference as there may have been messages that relied on it before deletion. However, the template becomes inaccessible and cannot be used to send new messages. You can create a new template with the same name.

Notes about WhatsApp templates

  • Names of approved template that have been deleted cannot be reused for 30 days.
  • You can only create a new template with the same name when the deleted template did not target WhatsApp.
curl -X DELETE https://api.hellotext.com/v1/templates/xJEOaPdk 
 -H "Authorization: Bearer ALK_eSMRuwJ2Al..."
  "id": "MzYwlE50",
  "type": "template",
  "deleted": true

List all Templates

Lists all template objects. Supports pagination.

Display results listed before (more recent) than the given id.
Limit how many results to show. Default is 25. Maximum is 100.
Display results listed after (older) than the given id.
curl -G https://api.hellotext.com/v1/templates 
 -d limit=5 
 -H "Authorization: Bearer ALK_eSMRuwJ2Al..."
  "templates": [
      "id": "MzYwlE50",
      "type": "template",
      "body": "Hello, how can I help you today?",
      "buttons": [
          "type": "copy",
          "copy": "123456",
          "text": "Copy text"
          "type": "url",
          "text": "Visit our website",
          "url": "https://example.com"
          "type": "phone",
          "phone": "+1234567890",
          "text": "Call us"
          "type": "quick_reply",
          "text": "Button text"
          "type": "quick_reply",
          "text": "Button text"
          "type": "quick_reply",
          "text": "Button text"
      "created_at": 1665684173,
      "footer": "Send STOP to unsubscribe",
      "state": "approved",
      "header": {
        "type": "text",
        "text": "Welcome to our store"

The Message Object

A message is a communication between you and a profile. You can send text messages, or reuse an existing Template.

  • POST


  • GET


  • GET


The Message Object

Unique identifier of the object.
Type of object. This is always message.
A list of attachment URLs associated with the message.
The content of the message. Optional when using a template, required when no template is specified.
Date of creation of the object.
The timestamp of when the message was delivered.
The identifier of the profile that will receive the message. This can be a phone number, Instagram username, or MercadoLibre user ID.
The timestamp of when the message failed to be delivered.
The identifier of the channel used to send the message.
The id of the profile to send the message to.
The timestamp of when the message was received by the profile. This can be used to determine if the message was from the profile or from the business.
The timestamp of when the message was routed to the external gateway.
The current state of the message.
Possible enum values

The message has been delivered successfully. Check delivered_at for the exact time.


The message has failed to be delivered.

pending Default

The message has been created successfully and is pending for delivery.


This message was sent by the profile to the business.


The message has been routed to the external gateway. Once the carrier reports back, the message either is delivered or failed.

The technology used to deliver the message.
Possible enum values

The message was delivered with Instagram.


The message was delivered with MercadoLibre.


The message was delivered with SMS.


The message was delivered with WhatsApp.

The id of the template used to send the message.
  "id": "zGrDJ1Lb",
  "type": "message",
  "attachments": [],
  "body": "Hi John, how can we help you today?",
  "created_at": 1665684173,
  "delivered_at": 1665684173,
  "destination": "+1234567890",
  "failed_at": null,
  "origin": "+0987654321",
  "profile": "APwbZ6w4",
  "routed_at": 1665684173,
  "state": "delivered",
  "technology": "whatsapp",
  "template": "MzYwlE50"

Template Messages

Learn how to send messages using a template. Make sure you have read about Templates and understand the components and how to use them before sending a message.

Dynamic Shortlinks in Template Messages

You can reserve placement for dynamic shortlinks in the template's body when you create it. Refer to the ShortLink Types documentation for more information about the types of shortlinks and how to create them.

The following sections assumes you have already created a template with dynamic shortlinks and have a firm understanding on how they work.

Each dynamic shortlink is a variable name that can be targeted and replaced with a specific URL when sending the message. Consider the template we want to use has three tags. A {name} property tag that is replaced by the profile's first name. And two dynamic short-links, {shortlink:appointment} and {shortlink:reschedule}.

To replace the shortlinks when sending the message, you provide each dynamic shortlinks' name with a URL via a shortlinks parameter on the template object.

If you see the Message Parameters we have when creating the message, you will see that in message.template.shortlinks we have a hash with the shortlink names and their respective URLs. Each provided URL is shortened and replaces the dynamic shortlink in the template's body, order does not matter as dynamic sections are replaced by their respective names.

  "id": "MzYwlE50",
  "type": "template",
  "body": "Hello {name}, this is a remainder that your appointment is scheduled for {date}. Click {shortlink:appointment} to view the details, or you can reschedule by clicking {shortlink:reschedule}."
  "profile": "APwbZ6w4",
  "origin": "+0987654321",
  "template": {
    "id": "MzYwlE50",
    "shortlinks": {
      "appointment": "https://example.com/appointments/1",
      "reschedule": "https://example.com/appointments/1/edit"

Send a Message

Send a free-form message or a template message to send to a profile.


  • WhatsApp messages are limited to 4096 characters. WhatsApp messages can only be sent when the business has an integrated WhatsApp Business account that has not been disabled, restricted or banned.
  • Instagram messages are limited to 1000 characters. Instagram messages can only be sent when the business has an integrated Instagram profile.
  • MercadoLibre messages are limited to 350 characters. MercadoLibre messages can only be sent when the business has an integrated MercadoLibre shop.
  • SMS messages are limited to 160 characters.
  • As a reminder, make sure to only send messages to users who have not opted-out of receiving messages from you. See the profile's subscription_state for more information.
  • When using a template that uses Dynamic ShortLinks, it is required to provide the shortlinks' URLs when creating the message failing to provide a URL for a dynamic short-link will result in errors being returned.

Notes about WhatsApp Messages

  • You can only send a free-form message to a profile if the profile has an open conversation window. Otherwise, you must use a template. This is called Customer Service Window.
  • Whenever a profile messages you through WhatsApp, a 24-hour timer called a customer service window starts (or refreshes if one has already been started).
  • When a customer service window is open between you and a user, you can send free-form messages to the user. If a window is not open between you and the user, you can only send template messages to the user, as template messages are the only type that can be sent outside of a customer service window.

Notes about attachments

  • Each platform has different limitations on the size and type of attachments that can be sent. Below is a list of supported file types and the maximum file size for each platform.
  • While Hellotext automatically converts the attachment to a format that is supported by the platform, it's best for the attachment to be in the supported formats to avoid data-loss during conversion. Make sure the file size is within the platform's limitations highlighted below.
Whatsapp Attachment Limitations
Media Type Supported Formats Maximum Size


jpeg, png



3gp, mp4



pdf, doc, docx, ppt, pptx, xls, xlsx


Instagram Attachment Limitations
Media Type Supported Formats Maximum Size


png, jpeg, gif



mp4, ogg, avi, mov, webm


A list of attachment URLs to send with the message. Make sure each URL is publicly accessible, the attachments are downloaded and stored on Hellotext's servers.
The content of the message. Optional when using a template, required when no template is specified.
The identifier of the profile's destination to send the message to. This can be a phone number, Instagram username, or MercadoLibre user ID.

Hellotext automatically selects a destination based on the configured origin and technology. Otherwise, you can specify the destination to send the message to a specific identifier of the profile.
The identifier of the channel used to send the message. When this is empty, Hellotext will determine the best channel to use based on the profile's reachability and the business' configured channels.

For example, when sending a message to a profile, and you do not specify the origin, Hellotext will use a channel that the profile can be reached with. This means that, if the profile can be reached via WhatsApp, the message is sent via WhatsApp, and if the profile can be reached via SMS, the message is sent via SMS.
The id of the profile to send the message to.
Which technology to route the message through. When this is empty, Hellotext will determine the best technology to use based on the profile's reachability and the business' configured channels. Technologies have the following order of priority: WhatsApp, Instagram and SMS.

Keep in mind that integrations such as WhatsApp, Instagram or Mercadolibre require an active integration connected by the business. Attempting to send a message via a technology that's not available returns an invalid error.
Possible enum values
Either a string identifier of the template to use when sending the message, or a hash. When set, the body of the message is ignored and the template's body is used instead. Templates are reusable messages that can be used to send messages to profiles. When the template has dynamic shortlinks, you must provide the shortlinks' URLs when creating the message. Failing to provide a URL for a dynamic short-link will result in errors being returned. Show child attributes
curl -X POST https://api.hellotext.com/v1/messages 
 -d origin="+14155552671" 
 -d profile="zGrDJ1Lb" 
 -d template="K75Vq1dL" 
 -H "Authorization: Bearer ALK_eSMRuwJ2Al..."
  "id": "zGrDJ1Lb",
  "type": "message",
  "attachments": [],
  "body": "Hi John, how can we help you today?",
  "created_at": 1665684173,
  "delivered_at": null,
  "destination": "+14155552672",
  "failed_at": null,
  "origin": "+14155552671",
  "profile": "zGrDJ1Lb",
  "routed_at": null,
  "state": "pending",
  "technology": "whatsapp",
  "template": "K75Vq1dL"
curl -X POST https://api.hellotext.com/v1/messages 
 -d origin="+14155552671" 
 -d profile="zGrDJ1Lb" 
 -d body="To be or not to be, that is the question." 
 -H "Authorization: Bearer ALK_eSMRuwJ2Al..."
  "id": "zGrDJ1Lb",
  "type": "message",
  "attachments": [],
  "body": "To be or not to be, that is the question.",
  "created_at": 1665684173,
  "delivered_at": null,
  "destination": "+14155552672",
  "failed_at": null,
  "origin": "+14155552671",
  "profile": "zGrDJ1Lb",
  "routed_at": null,
  "state": "pending",
  "technology": "whatsapp",
  "template": null

Retrieve a Message

Retrieve a message by its id.

curl -G https://api.hellotext.com/v1/messages/APwbP54L 
 -H "Authorization: Bearer ALK_eSMRuwJ2Al..."

List all Messages

List all messages associated with the business.

Display results listed before (more recent) than the given id.
Limit how many results to show. Default is 25. Maximum is 100.
Display results listed after (older) than the given id.
curl -G https://api.hellotext.com/v1/messages 
 -d limit=5 
 -H "Authorization: Bearer ALK_eSMRuwJ2Al..."
  "messages": [
      "id": "zGrDJ1Lb",
      "type": "message",
      "attachments": [],
      "body": "Hi John, how can we help you today?",
      "created_at": 1665684173,
      "delivered_at": 1665684173,
      "destination": "+1234567890",
      "failed_at": null,
      "origin": "+0987654321",
      "profile": "APwbZ6w4",
      "routed_at": 1665684173,
      "state": "delivered",
      "technology": "whatsapp",
      "template": "MzYwlE50"


Import the coupons from your eCommerce that you would like to send on your promotional campaigns. You can measure the results of the different coupons.

  • POST


  • GET






  • GET


The coupon object

Unique identifier of the object.
Type of object. This is always coupon.
Redeemable code of the coupon. This is the name of the coupon the customer sees, i.e. SALE.
Date of creation of the object.
Description of the coupon. This is available as a tag to be used on messages.
URL that redeems the coupon.
The coupon number or original identifier from the external source that created the coupon.
  "id": "xJEOaPdk",
  "type": "coupon",
  "code": "SALE",
  "created_at": 1665684173,
  "description": "Get 15% off all our summer sale",
  "destination_url": "https://www.myshop.com/redeem/SALE",
  "reference": null

Create a coupon

Creates a new coupon.

Redeemable code of the coupon. This is the name of the coupon the customer sees, i.e. SALE. Case-sensitive. Duplicate names are not allowed.
Description of the coupon. This is available as a tag to be used on messages.
URL that redeems the coupon.
The coupon number or original identifier from the external source that created the coupon.
curl -X POST https://api.hellotext.com/v1/coupons 
 -d code="SALE" 
 -d description="Get 15% off all our summer sale" 
 -d destination_url="https://www.myshop.com/redeem/SALE" 
 -H "Authorization: Bearer ALK_eSMRuwJ2Al..."
  "id": "xJEOaPdk",
  "type": "coupon",
  "code": "SALE",
  "created_at": 1665684173,
  "description": "Get 15% off all our summer sale",
  "destination_url": "https://www.myshop.com/redeem/SALE",
  "reference": null

Retrieve a coupon

Retrieves an existing coupon.

curl -G https://api.hellotext.com/v1/coupons/xJEOaPdk 
 -H "Authorization: Bearer ALK_eSMRuwJ2Al..."

Update a coupon

Updates the specified coupon with the provided information.

Redeemable code of the coupon. This is the name of the coupon the customer sees, i.e. SALE. Case-sensitive. Duplicate names are not allowed.
Description of the coupon. This is available as a tag to be used on messages.
URL that redeems the coupon.
The coupon number or original identifier from the external source that created the coupon.
curl -X PATCH https://api.hellotext.com/v1/coupons/xJEOaPdk 
 -d code="SALE15" 
 -d description="Get 15% off all our summer sale" 
 -d destination_url="https://www.myshop.com/redeem/SALE" 
 -H "Authorization: Bearer ALK_eSMRuwJ2Al..."
  "id": "xJEOaPdk",
  "type": "coupon",
  "code": "SALE15",
  "created_at": 1665684173,
  "description": "Get 15% off all our summer sale",
  "destination_url": "https://www.myshop.com/redeem/SALE",
  "reference": null

Delete a coupon

Permanently deletes the specified coupon.

curl -X DELETE https://api.hellotext.com/v1/coupons/xJEOaPdk 
 -H "Authorization: Bearer ALK_eSMRuwJ2Al..."
  "id": "xJEOaPdk",
  "type": "coupon",
  "deleted": true

List all coupons

Lists existing coupons sorting by most recent ones. Pagination parameters are available in lists.

Display results listed before (more recent) than the given id.
Limit how many results to show. Default is 25. Maximum is 100.
Display results listed after (older) than the given id.
curl -G https://api.hellotext.com/v1/coupons 
 -d limit=5 
 -H "Authorization: Bearer ALK_eSMRuwJ2Al..."
  "coupons": [
      "id": "xJEOaPdk",
      "type": "coupon",
      "code": "SALE",
      "created_at": 1665684173,
      "description": "Get 15% off all our summer sale",
      "destination_url": "https://www.myshop.com/redeem/SALE",
      "reference": null


Tracking customers interactions unlock new marketing possibilities and give businesses a complete view of the history of each customer.

By tracking customer actions it is possible to build segmented audiences based on what they do and like and use this for highly precision marketing. Businesses can trigger automations based on customer activity and give their team a head start finding opportunities to actively engage with them to sell more.

A minimal setup to track a customer event is to set the action parameter to any of the built-in actions or a custom-defined action (see Actions) and the parameter profile that represents the customer profile or the session if tracking events from campaigns or journeys short links (see Sessions).

When providing both session and profile parameters, ensure that the session is assigned to the profile. Sessions assigned to a profile cannot be used to track events for another profile. If the session is not assigned to any profile, it will be automatically assigned to the profile you pass when tracking an event.

When providing a currency. The amount must be specified. If none are provided, the values will be inherited from the trackable if the object has the attributes.

  POST /v1/attribution/events

Track app events

Track important events performed by your customers when they interact with your app. Most common actions include tracking when an app is installed with action app.installed, removed with app.removed, or when a user spends a certain amount with app.spent.

When tracking events associated to sessions created after a campaign all attribution values including monetary values will be aggregated into the campaign reportings.

The name of the action to track.
Possible enum values
Monetary amount that represents the revenue associated to this tracked event. Default value is null.
Currency for the amount given in ISO 4217 format. If not specified, the currency will be inferred from the business' default currency.
ID of an existing app object.
Parameters to create a new app object. See the available parameters in the Create an app section for more information about the parameters you can pass.

If an existing app is found with the same name, the existing app will be used instead of creating a duplicate app.
Required if session is not specified. Unique identifier of the profile object this event belongs to. I f not explicitly specified, the profile identifier can be inherited when the session parameter is specified and the session is already associated to a profile or becomes later attached to one.
Required if profile is not specified. Identifier of the session object this event belongs to. Sessions are identifiers generated automatically from clicks by visitors on short links or from the Hellotext.js library when keeping track of anonymous visitors. It is a way to track events on the client-side without authenticating or disclosing the profile identifier allowing to associate it later to a profile securely on the server-side.
Original date when the event happened. This is useful if you want to record an event that happened in the past. If no value is provided its value will be the same from created_at.
URL of the page where the event occurred. If not specified, the URL will be inferred from the current page.
curl -X POST https://api.hellotext.com/v1/attribution/events 
 -d action="app.installed" 
 -d app="Jp10Kwog" 
 -H "Authorization: Bearer ALK_eSMRuwJ2Al..."
curl -X POST https://api.hellotext.com/v1/attribution/events 
 -d action="app.installed" 
 -d app_parameters[name]="My Amazing App" 
 -d app_parameters[image_url]="https//example.com/image.jpg" 
 -d app_parameters[property][custom property]="custom value" 
 -H "Authorization: Bearer ALK_eSMRuwJ2Al..."
  "status": "received"

Track cart events

Track the events performed by customers when they add or remove items from their shopping cart. Or abandoning the cart

The monetary values associated to the cart events will be aggregated to the campaign reportings.

The name of the action to track.
Possible enum values
Monetary amount that represents the revenue associated to this tracked event. Default value is 0.
Currency for the amount given in ISO 4217 format. If not specified, the currency will be inferred from the business' default currency.
ID of an existing cart object. Required when action is cart.abandoned
Parameters to create a new cart object. See the available parameters in the Create a cart section for more information about the parameters you can pass.

If an existing cart is found with the same reference, the existing cart will be used instead of creating a duplicate cart.
Required if session is not specified. Unique identifier of the profile object this event belongs to. If not explicitly specified, the profile identifier can be inherited when the session parameter is specified and the session is already associated to a profile or becomes later attached to one.
Required if profile is not specified. Identifier of the session object this event belongs to. Sessions are identifiers generated automatically from clicks by visitors on short links or from the Hellotext.js library when keeping track of anonymous visitors. It is a way to track events on the client-side without authenticating or disclosing the profile identifier allowing to associate it later to a profile securely on the server-side.
Original date when the event happened. This is useful if you want to record an event that happened in the past. If no value is provided its value will be the same from created_at.
URL of the page where the event occurred. If not specified, the URL will be inferred from the current page.
curl -X POST https://api.hellotext.com/v1/attribution/events 
 -d action="refund.requested" 
 -d object="Jp10Kwog" 
 -H "Authorization: Bearer ALK_eSMRuwJ2Al..."
curl -X POST https://api.hellotext.com/v1/attribution/events 
 -d action="refund.requested" 
 -d object_parameters[order]="Jp10Kwog" 
 -d object_parameters[reference]="123456" 
 -d object_parameters[source]=shopify 
 -d object_parameters[property][custom property]="custom value" 
 -H "Authorization: Bearer ALK_eSMRuwJ2Al..."
  "status": "received"

Track coupon events

Track the events performed by your customers when they redeem coupons. Available value is coupon.redeemed for coupons redeemed.

The monetary values associated to the coupon redeem will be aggregated to the campaign reportings.

The name of the action to track.
Possible enum values
Monetary amount that represents the revenue associated to this tracked event. Default value is 0.
Currency for the amount given in ISO 4217 format. If not specified, the currency will be inferred from the business' default currency.
ID of an existing coupon object.
Parameters to create a new coupon object. See the available parameters in the Create a coupon section for more information about the parameters you can pass.

If an existing coupon is found with the same code, the existing coupon will be used instead of creating a duplicate coupon.
Required if session is not specified. Unique identifier of the profile object this event belongs to. If not explicitly specified, the profile identifier can be inherited when the session parameter is specified and the session is already associated to a profile or becomes later attached to one.
Required if profile is not specified. Identifier of the session object this event belongs to. Sessions are identifiers generated automatically from clicks by visitors on short links or from the Hellotext.js library when keeping track of anonymous visitors. It is a way to track events on the client-side without authenticating or disclosing the profile identifier allowing to associate it later to a profile securely on the server-side.
Original date when the event happened. This is useful if you want to record an event that happened in the past. If no value is provided its value will be the same from created_at.
URL of the page where the event occurred. If not specified, the URL will be inferred from the current page.
curl -X POST https://api.hellotext.com/v1/attribution/events 
 -d action="coupon.redeemed" 
 -d object="Jp10Kwog" 
 -H "Authorization: Bearer ALK_eSMRuwJ2Al..."
curl -X POST https://api.hellotext.com/v1/attribution/events 
 -d action="coupon.redeemed" 
 -d object_parameters[code]="20OFF" 
 -d object_parameters[destination_url]="https://www.example.com" 
 -d object_parameters[description]="20% off your next purchase" 
 -H "Authorization: Bearer ALK_eSMRuwJ2Al..."
  "status": "received"

Track form events

Track the events performed by your customers when they complete a form. Available actions are form.completed.

The monetary values associated to the form completions will be aggregated to the campaign reportings.

Make sure you have read and understand Objects before continuing.

Learn more about Objects.

The name of the action to track.
Possible enum values
Currency for the amount given in ISO 4217 format. If not specified, the currency will be inferred from the business' default currency.
An ID of the form object completed.
Set of key-value pairs that you can attach to an object. This can be useful for storing additional information about the object in a structured format.
Parameters to be set for the object. Show child attributes
Unique identifier of the profile object this event belongs to.
Identifier of the session object this event belongs to.
Original date when the event happened.
URL of the page where the event occurred.
curl -X POST https://api.hellotext.com/v1/attribution/events 
 -d action="form.completed" 
 -d form="zGrDJ1Lb" 
 -d form_parameters[property_by_id][zGrDJ1Lb]="value for an existing property within the Form object" 
 -d form_parameters[property][Dynamic property]="Value for a dynamic property that is not part of the Form object" 
 -d form_parameters[property][phone]="+12345678" 
 -d form_parameters[property][email]="will@acme.com" 
 -H "Authorization: Bearer ALK_eSMRuwJ2Al..."
  "status": "received"

Track order events

Track the events related to the lifecycle of your customer's orders. Available actions are order.placed when an order is placed by a customer, order.confirmed when is confirmed, order.cancelled if cancelled and order.shipped when shipped.

The monetary values associated to the orders will be aggregated to the campaign reportings.

The name of the custom action to track. The custom action must be previously created.
Possible enum values
Monetary amount that represents the revenue associated to this tracked event. Default value is null.
Currency for the amount given in ISO 4217 format. If not specified, the currency will be inferred from the business' default currency.
ID of an existing order object.
Parameters to create a new order. See the available parameters in the Create an order section for more information about the parameters you can pass.

If an existing order is present with the same reference, the existing order will be used instead of creating a duplicate order.
Required if session is not specified. Unique identifier of the profile object this event belongs to. I f not explicitly specified, the profile identifier can be inherited when the session parameter is specified and the session is already associated to a profile or becomes later attached to one.
Required if profile is not specified. Identifier of the session object this event belongs to. Sessions are identifiers generated automatically from clicks by visitors on short links or from the Hellotext.js library when keeping track of anonymous visitors. It is a way to track events on the client-side without authenticating or disclosing the profile identifier allowing to associate it later to a profile securely on the server-side.
Original date when the event happened. This is useful if you want to record an event that happened in the past. If no value is provided its value will be the same from created_at.
URL of the page where the event occurred. If not specified, the URL will be inferred from the current page.
curl -X POST https://api.hellotext.com/v1/attribution/events 
 -d action="order.confirmed" 
 -d object="Jp10Kwog" 
 -H "Authorization: Bearer ALK_eSMRuwJ2Al..."
curl -X POST https://api.hellotext.com/v1/attribution/events 
 -d action="order.confirmed" 
 -d object_parameters[reference]="Jp10Kwog" 
 -d object_parameters[delivery]="deliver" 
 -d object_parameters[items][][product]="vxqQJ3Yg" 
 -d object_parameters[items][][quantity]=1 
 -d object_parameters[property][custom property]="custom value" 
 -H "Authorization: Bearer ALK_eSMRuwJ2Al..."
  "status": "received"

Track product events

Track the events of purchases made by your customers. If your customers places orders, you can track the order actions instead. Available product actions are product.purchased when a customer purchases a product and product.viewed when a product is viewed from a product page.

The monetary values associated to the product purchase will be aggregated to the campaign reportings.

This endpoint can only be used with Products. If you want to track an existing Product, make sure to either pass an existing record's id, reference or sku. If you want to create a new Product, you should pass the object_parameters parameter.

See Tracking Product Variant events for more information on how to track Product Variant events.

The name of the action to track.
Possible enum values
Monetary amount that represents the revenue associated to this tracked event. Default value is 0.
Currency for the amount given in ISO 4217 format. If not specified, the currency will be inferred from the business' default currency.
ID of an existing product object. Required when object_parameters is empty.
Parameters to create a new product object. See available parameters for Creating a product section for more information about the parameters you can pass.

If an existing product is found with the same reference or sku, the existing product will be used instead of creating a duplicate product.
Required if session is not specified. Unique identifier of the profile object this event belongs to. If not explicitly specified, the profile identifier can be inherited when the session parameter is specified and the session is already associated to a profile or becomes later attached to one.
Required if profile is not specified. Identifier of the session object this event belongs to. Sessions are identifiers generated automatically from clicks by visitors on short links or from the Hellotext.js library when keeping track of anonymous visitors. It is a way to track events on the client-side without authenticating or disclosing the profile identifier allowing to associate it later to a profile securely on the server-side.
Original date when the event happened. This is useful if you want to record an event that happened in the past. If no value is provided its value will be the same from created_at.
URL of the page where the event occurred. If not specified, the URL will be inferred from the current page.
curl -X POST https://api.hellotext.com/v1/attribution/events 
 -d action="product.viewed" 
 -d object="Jp10Kwog" 
 -H "Authorization: Bearer ALK_eSMRuwJ2Al..."
curl -X POST https://api.hellotext.com/v1/attribution/events 
 -d action="product.viewed" 
 -d object_parameters[name]="Yeezy Boost 350 V2" 
 -d object_parameters[image_url]="https//example.com/image.jpg" 
 -d object_parameters[reference]="Jp10Kwog" 
 -d object_parameters[source]=shopify 
 -H "Authorization: Bearer ALK_eSMRuwJ2Al..."
  "status": "received"

Track product variant events

Track the events of purchases made by your customers. If your customers places orders, you can track the order actions instead. Available product actions are product.purchased when a customer purchases a product and product.viewed when a product is viewed from a product page.

The monetary values associated to the product purchase will be aggregated to the campaign reportings.

The name of the action to track.
Possible enum values
Monetary amount that represents the revenue associated to this tracked event. Default value is 0.
Currency for the amount given in ISO 4217 format. If not specified, the currency will be inferred from the business' default currency.
ID of an existing product variant object. Required when object_parameters is empty.
Parameters to create a new product variant object. Required when object is empty.

See available parameters for Creating a product variant section for more information about the parameters you can pass.

If an existing product variant is found with the same reference or sku, the existing product variant will be used instead of creating a duplicate product variant. Show child attributes
Required if session is not specified. Unique identifier of the profile object this event belongs to. If not explicitly specified, the profile identifier can be inherited when the session parameter is specified and the session is already associated to a profile or becomes later attached to one.
Required if profile is not specified. Identifier of the session object this event belongs to. Sessions are identifiers generated automatically from clicks by visitors on short links or from the Hellotext.js library when keeping track of anonymous visitors. It is a way to track events on the client-side without authenticating or disclosing the profile identifier allowing to associate it later to a profile securely on the server-side.
Original date when the event happened. This is useful if you want to record an event that happened in the past. If no value is provided its value will be the same from created_at.
URL of the page where the event occurred. If not specified, the URL will be inferred from the current page.
curl -X POST https://api.hellotext.com/v1/attribution/events 
 -d action="product.viewed" 
 -d object="Jp10Kwog" 
 -H "Authorization: Bearer ALK_eSMRuwJ2Al..."
curl -X POST https://api.hellotext.com/v1/attribution/events 
 -d action="product.viewed" 
 -d object_parameters[name]="Yeezy Boost 350 V2 in Red" 
 -d object_parameters[image_url]="https//example.com/image.jpg" 
 -d object_parameters[reference]="Jp10Kwog" 
 -d object_parameters[source]=shopify 
 -d object_parameters[product]="vxqQJ3YQ" 
 -H "Authorization: Bearer ALK_eSMRuwJ2Al..."
curl -X POST https://api.hellotext.com/v1/attribution/events 
 -d action="product.viewed" 
 -d object_parameters[name]="Yeezy Boost 350 V2 in Red" 
 -d object_parameters[image_url]="https//example.com/image.jpg" 
 -d object_parameters[reference]="Jp10Kwog" 
 -d object_parameters[source]=shopify 
 -d object_parameters[product_parameters][name]="Yeezy Boost 350 V2" 
 -d object_parameters[product_parameters][sku]="1234567890" 
 -d object_parameters[product_parameters][reference]="YEEZYBOOST350V2" 
 -d object_parameters[product_parameters][source]=shopify 
 -H "Authorization: Bearer ALK_eSMRuwJ2Al..."
  "status": "received"

Track refund events

Track the events performed by your customers when they request a refund. Available value is refund.requested for refunds requested.

The monetary values associated to the refund request will be aggregated to the campaign reportings.

The name of the action to track.
Possible enum values
Monetary amount that represents the revenue associated to this tracked event. Default value is 0.
Currency for the amount given in ISO 4217 format. If not specified, the currency will be inferred from the business' default currency.
ID of an existing refund object.
Parameters to create a new refund object. See the available parameters in the Create a refund section for more information about the parameters you can pass.

If an existing refund is found with the same reference, the existing refund will be used instead of creating a duplicate refund.
Required if session is not specified. Unique identifier of the profile object this event belongs to. If not explicitly specified, the profile identifier can be inherited when the session parameter is specified and the session is already associated to a profile or becomes later attached to one.
Required if profile is not specified. Identifier of the session object this event belongs to. Sessions are identifiers generated automatically from clicks by visitors on short links or from the Hellotext.js library when keeping track of anonymous visitors. It is a way to track events on the client-side without authenticating or disclosing the profile identifier allowing to associate it later to a profile securely on the server-side.
Original date when the event happened. This is useful if you want to record an event that happened in the past. If no value is provided its value will be the same from created_at.
URL of the page where the event occurred. If not specified, the URL will be inferred from the current page.
curl -X POST https://api.hellotext.com/v1/attribution/events 
 -d action="refund.requested" 
 -d object="Jp10Kwog" 
 -H "Authorization: Bearer ALK_eSMRuwJ2Al..."
curl -X POST https://api.hellotext.com/v1/attribution/events 
 -d action="refund.requested" 
 -d object_parameters[order]="Jp10Kwog" 
 -d object_parameters[reference]="123456" 
 -d object_parameters[source]=shopify 
 -d object_parameters[property][custom property]="custom value" 
 -H "Authorization: Bearer ALK_eSMRuwJ2Al..."
  "status": "received"

Track custom events

Hellotext provides a list of ready-to-use actions to track the most common customers interactions with your business such as purchases, visits to your site, products added to cart, form completions and more. However these are not always enough and sometimes you need a little more flexibility when needing to define specific actions for your business needs.

It is possible to specify any customized action name when tracking events as long as the action object has been previously created. Once the action is created you can simply use its name to track a new event.

Please keep in mind that monetary values passed to these event will be aggregated to the campaign reporting as sales if the action is marked as a conversion.

A custom event can be tracked without any association to a particular object, if you want to track an event without any object association, you omit object, object_parameters and object_type.

See Actions.

The name of the custom action to track. The custom action must be previously created.
Monetary amount that represents the revenue associated to this tracked event. Default value is 0.
Currency for the amount given in ISO 4217 format. If not specified, the currency will be inferred from the business' default currency.
An ID of an existing custom object. The custom object must be previously created.

Learn more about Objects.
A hash of object parameters. The object is created with the specified parameters and will be associated with the event.

The parameters must be valid and presented within the custom object. For example, if you have created an object named Appointment with Booked At and Room properties, you specify the parameters as object_parameters[Booked At]=2021-01-01T12:00:00Z and object_parameters[Room]=101. Parameter names are case-insensitive. So, object_parameters[booked at] is also valid.

Learn more about Objects.
An ID or the type of the object to be created. This corresponds either to the ID or the name of the object you set when creating the object.

Learn more about Objects.
Required if session is not specified. Unique identifier of the profile object this event belongs to. If not explicitly specified, the profile identifier can be inherited when the session parameter is specified and the session is already associated to a profile or becomes later attached to one.
Required if profile is not specified. Identifier of the session object this event belongs to. Sessions are identifiers generated automatically from clicks by visitors on short links or from the Hellotext.js library when keeping track of anonymous visitors. It is a way to track events on the client-side without authenticating or disclosing the profile identifier allowing to associate it later to a profile securely on the server-side.
Original date when the event happened. This is useful if you want to record an event that happened in the past. If no value is provided its value will be the same from created_at.
URL of the page where the event occurred. If not specified, the URL will be inferred from the current page.
curl -X POST https://api.hellotext.com/v1/attribution/events 
 -d action="room.booked" 
 -d object="zGrDJ1Lb" 
 -d object_type=appointment 
 -H "Authorization: Bearer ALK_eSMRuwJ2Al..."
curl -X POST https://api.hellotext.com/v1/attribution/events 
 -d action="room.booked" 
 -d object_type=appointment 
 -d object_parameters[property_by_id][xGrDJ1Lb]="A-101" 
 -d object_parameters[property][booked at]="2021-01-01T12:00:00Z" 
 -d object_parameters[property][room]="A-101" 
 -H "Authorization: Bearer ALK_eSMRuwJ2Al..."
  "status": "received"


Hellotext provides a basic set of actions, perfect for starting your next attribution campaign. But, when the need arises to track different actions not provided by Hellotext you can extend the set of available actions by creating your own custom actions.

You are free to name the actions any way you like. We recommend to take a dot approach when naming your actions, to have them scoped and states, for example custom actions can be like the following.

See Track custom events for more information.

Custom action examples
  • POST


  • GET






  • GET


The action object

Unique identifier of the object.
Type of object. This is always action.
Date of creation of the object.
Is this action used as a metric for KPIs?. Defaults to false. Setting it to true will allow events with this action to be used as a metric for KPIs displayed in the Campaigns and Journeys.
The name of the action. This is the name used in the action parameter when tracking an event. Duplicate names are not allowed.
Is this action passive or not?. Defaults to true.

Passive events are events that don't affect the order of conversations in the inbox, when a passive event is recorded, the conversation's position is not changed. Passive events are not displayed on the Inbox, they are only displayed in the Activity Trail of a Profile.

Non-passive events are events that affect the order of conversations in the inbox, when an active event is recorded, the conversation's position is updated and is moved to the top so it can be handled. Non-passive events are recorded in the Inbox and the Activity Trail.

Generally, if the action is important(requires an action by your team) and you want to easily see it in the Inbox when it happens, set this attribute as false. However, if the action is not important, you can mark it as passive.
Human-friendly alternative name used on Segments and Journeys. If not provided, it will be the same as the name parameter.
  "id": "Wvqz2qD1",
  "type": "action",
  "created_at": 1665684173,
  "goal": false,
  "name": "signup_form.completed",
  "passive": true,
  "title": "Signup-form completed"

Create an action

Creates a new action.

Is this action used as a metric for KPIs?. Defaults to false. Setting it to true will allow events with this action to be used as a metric for KPIs displayed in the Campaigns and Journeys.
The name of the action. This is the name used in the action parameter when tracking an event. Duplicate names are not allowed.
Is this action passive or not? Defaults to true.
Human-friendly alternative name used on Segments and Journeys. If not provided, it will be the same as the name parameter.
curl -X POST https://api.hellotext.com/v1/attribution/actions 
 -d name="signup_form.completed" 
 -d title="Signup-form completed" 
 -H "Authorization: Bearer ALK_eSMRuwJ2Al..."
  "id": "Wvqz2qD1",
  "type": "action",
  "created_at": 1665684173,
  "goal": false,
  "name": "signup_form.completed",
  "passive": true,
  "title": "Signup-form completed"

Retrieve an action

Retrieves an existing action.

curl -G https://api.hellotext.com/v1/attribution/actions/Wvqz2qD1 \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer ALK_eSMRuwJ2Al..."

Update an action

Updates the specified action with the provided information.

Is this action used as a metric for KPIs?. Defaults to false. Setting it to true will allow events with this action to be used as a metric for KPIs displayed in the Campaigns and Journeys.
The name of the action. This is the name used in the action parameter when tracking an event. Duplicate names are not allowed.
Is this action passive or not? Defaults to true.
Human-friendly alternative name used on Segments and Journeys. If not provided, it will be the same as the name parameter.
curl -X PATCH https://api.hellotext.com/v1/attribution/actions/:id 
 -d name="contact.subscribed" 
 -d title="Contact Subscribed" 
 -H "Authorization: Bearer ALK_eSMRuwJ2Al..."
  "id": "Wvqz2qD1",
  "type": "action",
  "created_at": 1665684173,
  "goal": false,
  "name": "contact.subscribed",
  "passive": true,
  "title": "Contact Subscribed"

Delete an action

Permanently deletes the specified action.

This action is irreversible. Deleting an action will also delete all of the tracked events associated with it. Be careful when using this endpoint.

curl -X DELETE https://api.hellotext.com/v1/attribution/actions/Wvqz2qD1 \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer ALK_eSMRuwJ2Al..."
  "id": "Wvqz2qD1",
  "type": "action",
  "deleted": true

List all actions

Lists existing actions sorting by most recent ones. Pagination parameters are available in lists.

Display results listed before (more recent) than the given id.
Limit how many results to show. Default is 25. Maximum is 100.
Display results listed after (older) than the given id.
curl -G https://api.hellotext.com/v1/attribution/actions 
 -d limit=5 
 -H "Authorization: Bearer ALK_eSMRuwJ2Al..."
  "actions": [
      "id": "Wvqz2qD1",
      "type": "action",
      "created_at": 1665684173,
      "goal": false,
      "name": "signup_form.completed",
      "passive": true,
      "title": "Signup-form completed"


App objects represent the applications your own or manage that your audience interact with. For example these could be your iOS or Android apps.

You can track the events from your audience interacting with your apps. For example when someone installs an app, removes it or spends any amount.

App objects come with a set of built-in properties. In addition, you can add your own custom properties to the app object. Learn more about Objects.

Learn how Track app events.

  • POST


  • GET






  • GET


The App object

Unique identifier of the object.
Type of object. This is always app.
Date of creation of the object.
A URL that points to the image of the app.
Set of key-value pairs that you can attach to an object. This can be useful for storing additional information about the object in a structured format.
The name of the application.
A list of additional properties that have been added to the Object. Show child attributes
  "id": "xnqJQ47v",
  "type": "app",
  "created_at": 1665684173,
  "image_url": "https://example.com/image.jpg",
  "metadata": {},
  "name": "Beauty & Care",
  "properties": [
      "id": "zGrDJ1Lb",
      "kind": "time",
      "value": {
        "id": "MQNKalb7",
        "kind": "time",
        "name": null,
        "value": {
          "day": 3,
          "month": 11,
          "year": 1985,
          "hour": 10,
          "minute": 10,
          "second": 10
      "property_id": "xxXxXxXx",
      "name": "Downloaded at"
      "id": "zGrDJ1Lb",
      "kind": "text",
      "value": "iPhone 16",
      "property_id": "xxXxXxXx",
      "name": "device"

Create an App

Creates a new app.

A URL of the application icon in high resolution. We will download the image and store it on our servers.
Set of key-value pairs that you can attach to an object. This can be useful for storing additional information about the object in a structured format.
The name of the application, case insensitive. Duplicate names are not allowed.
Set a property value by passing the property's name, for example property[Active]=true. This is useful to set a value for any custom property you have added to the Object. You can remove an existing property by passing null.
Set a property value by passing the property's id, for example property_by_id[gVlpOkwJ]=true. This is useful to set a value for any custom property you have added to the Object. You can remove an existing property by passing null.
curl -X POST https://api.hellotext.com/v1/attribution/apps 
 -d name="Hellotext" 
 -H "Authorization: Bearer ALK_eSMRuwJ2Al..."
  "id": "xnqJQ47v",
  "type": "app",
  "created_at": 1665684173,
  "image_url": "https://example.com/image.jpg",
  "metadata": {},
  "name": "Hellotext",
  "properties": [
      "id": "zGrDJ1Lb",
      "kind": "time",
      "value": {
        "id": "MQNKalb7",
        "kind": "time",
        "name": null,
        "value": {
          "day": 3,
          "month": 11,
          "year": 1985,
          "hour": 10,
          "minute": 10,
          "second": 10
      "property_id": "xxXxXxXx",
      "name": "Downloaded at"
      "id": "zGrDJ1Lb",
      "kind": "text",
      "value": "iPhone 16",
      "property_id": "xxXxXxXx",
      "name": "device"

Retrieve an App

Retrieves an existing app.

curl -G https://api.hellotext.com/v1/attribution/apps/vxqQJ3Yg 
 -H "Authorization: Bearer ALK_eSMRuwJ2Al..."
  "id": "vxqQJ3Yg",
  "type": "app",
  "created_at": 1665684173,
  "image_url": "https://example.com/image.jpg",
  "metadata": {},
  "name": "Beauty & Care",
  "properties": [
      "id": "zGrDJ1Lb",
      "kind": "time",
      "value": {
        "id": "MQNKalb7",
        "kind": "time",
        "name": null,
        "value": {
          "day": 3,
          "month": 11,
          "year": 1985,
          "hour": 10,
          "minute": 10,
          "second": 10
      "property_id": "xxXxXxXx",
      "name": "Downloaded at"
      "id": "zGrDJ1Lb",
      "kind": "text",
      "value": "iPhone 16",
      "property_id": "xxXxXxXx",
      "name": "device"

Update an App

Updates an existing app.

A URL of the application icon in high resolution. We will download the image and store it on our servers.
Set of key-value pairs that you can attach to an object. This can be useful for storing additional information about the object in a structured format.
The name of the application, case insensitive. Duplicate names are not allowed.
Set a property value by passing the property's name, for example property[Active]=true. This is useful to set a value for any custom property you have added to the Object. You can remove an existing property by passing null.
Set a property value by passing the property's id, for example property_by_id[gVlpOkwJ]=true. This is useful to set a value for any custom property you have added to the Object. You can remove an existing property by passing null.
curl -X PATCH https://api.hellotext.com/v1/attribution/apps/:id 
 -d name="VIVA" 
 -H "Authorization: Bearer ALK_eSMRuwJ2Al..."
  "id": "xnqJQ47v",
  "type": "app",
  "created_at": 1665684173,
  "image_url": "https://example.com/image.jpg",
  "metadata": {},
  "name": "VIVA",
  "properties": [
      "id": "zGrDJ1Lb",
      "kind": "time",
      "value": {
        "id": "MQNKalb7",
        "kind": "time",
        "name": null,
        "value": {
          "day": 3,
          "month": 11,
          "year": 1985,
          "hour": 10,
          "minute": 10,
          "second": 10
      "property_id": "xxXxXxXx",
      "name": "Downloaded at"
      "id": "zGrDJ1Lb",
      "kind": "text",
      "value": "iPhone 16",
      "property_id": "xxXxXxXx",
      "name": "device"

Destroy an App

Destroys an existing app.

curl -X DELETE https://api.hellotext.com/v1/attribution/apps/vxqQJ3Yg 
 -H "Authorization: Bearer ALK_eSMRuwJ2Al..."
  "id": "vxqQJ3Yg",
  "type": "app",
  "deleted": true

List all apps

Lists all apps.

Display results listed before (more recent) than the given id.
Limit how many results to show. Default is 25. Maximum is 100.
Display results listed after (older) than the given id.
curl -G https://api.hellotext.com/v1/attribution/apps 
 -d limit=5 
 -H "Authorization: Bearer ALK_eSMRuwJ2Al..."
  "apps": [
      "id": "xnqJQ47v",
      "type": "app",
      "created_at": 1665684173,
      "image_url": "https://example.com/image.jpg",
      "metadata": {},
      "name": "Beauty & Care",
      "properties": [
          "id": "zGrDJ1Lb",
          "kind": "time",
          "value": {
            "id": "MQNKalb7",
            "kind": "time",
            "name": null,
            "value": {
              "day": 3,
              "month": 11,
              "year": 1985,
              "hour": 10,
              "minute": 10,
              "second": 10
          "property_id": "xxXxXxXx",
          "name": "Downloaded at"
          "id": "zGrDJ1Lb",
          "kind": "text",
          "value": "iPhone 16",
          "property_id": "xxXxXxXx",
          "name": "device"


Carts objects represent shopping carts objects that can be used to determine what items the profile has in the cart at a moment in time.

Carts objects act as logical groups where you can group multiple products added into a cart together.

You can track when items are added to the cart, removed from the cart, or when the cart was abandoned.

Cart objects come with a set of built-in properties. In addition, you can add your own custom properties to the cart object. Learn more about Objects.

Learn how Track cart events.

  • POST


  • GET






  • GET


The cart object

Unique identifier of the object.
Type of object. This is always cart.
Date of creation of the object.
A collection of items included in the cart at the current moment in time. Show child attributes
Set of key-value pairs that you can attach to the cart. This can be useful for storing additional information about the object in a structured format.
The identifier of the profile that this cart belongs to.
A list of additional properties that have been added to the Object. Show child attributes
The cart number or original identifier from the external source that created the cart.
The identifier of the session that this cart belongs to.
The source or platform where this cart was generated from.
  "id": "wx4Vn4no",
  "type": "cart",
  "created_at": 1665684173,
  "items": [
      "id": "wx4Vn4no",
      "type": "cart_item",
      "created_at": 1665684173,
      "price": {
        "amount": "100.00",
        "converted_amount": "100.00",
        "converted_currency": "EUR",
        "currency": "USD"
      "product": "vxqQJ3Yg",
      "quantity": 1
  "metadata": {},
  "profile": "MzYwlE50",
  "properties": [],
  "reference": "ABC123",
  "session": "Vdqlg4nL",
  "source": null

Create a cart

Creates a new cart.

A collection of cart items that are included in this cart. Show child attributes
The unique identifier of the profile that this cart belongs to. Required if no session is provided.
Set a property value by passing the property's name, for example property[Active]=true. This is useful to set a value for any custom property you have added to the Object. You can remove an existing property by passing null.
Set a property value by passing the property's id, for example property_by_id[gVlpOkwJ]=true. This is useful to set a value for any custom property you have added to the Object. You can remove an existing property by passing null.
The cart number or original identifier from the external source that created the cart.
The unique identifier of the session that this cart belongs to. Required if no profile is provided. It can be used to associate the cart with an undefined profile. And later attaching the Cart to the profile once the profile is known
The source or platform where this cart was generated from.
curl -X POST https://api.hellotext.com/v1/attribution/carts 
 -d metadata[attribute1]="value1" 
 -d metadata[attribute2]="value2" 
 -H "Authorization: Bearer ALK_eSMRuwJ2Al..."
  "id": "wx4Vn4no",
  "type": "cart",
  "created_at": 1665684173,
  "items": [
      "id": "wx4Vn4no",
      "type": "cart_item",
      "created_at": 1665684173,
      "price": {
        "amount": "100.00",
        "converted_amount": "100.00",
        "converted_currency": "EUR",
        "currency": "USD"
      "product": "vxqQJ3Yg",
      "quantity": 1
  "metadata": {
    "attribute1": "value1",
    "attribute2": "value2"
  "profile": "MzYwlE50",
  "properties": [],
  "reference": "ABC123",
  "session": "Vdqlg4nL",
  "source": null

Retrieve a cart

Retrieves an existing cart.

curl -G https://api.hellotext.com/v1/attribution/carts/wx4Vn4no 
 -H "Authorization: Bearer ALK_eSMRuwJ2Al..."

Update a cart

Updates the specified cart with the provided information.

A collection of cart items that replace the current items in the cart. Passing an empty value of [] will remove all the items from the cart. Ignoring the parameter will not change the current items in the cart. Show child attributes
A collection of new cart items to add to the cart. Consider using the Tracking Carts API to add items to an existing cart, as it will also be displayed on the Activity Trail of a Profile. Show child attributes
The unique identifier of the profile that this cart belongs to. Required if no session is provided.
Set a property value by passing the property's name, for example property[Active]=true. This is useful to set a value for any custom property you have added to the Object. You can remove an existing property by passing null.
Set a property value by passing the property's id, for example property_by_id[gVlpOkwJ]=true. This is useful to set a value for any custom property you have added to the Object. You can remove an existing property by passing null.
The cart number or original identifier from the external source that created the cart.
The unique identifier of the session that this cart belongs to. Required if no profile is provided. It can be used to associate the cart with an undefined profile. And later attaching the Cart to the profile once the profile is known
The source or platform where this cart was generated from.
curl -X PATCH https://api.hellotext.com/v1/attribution/carts/wx4Vn4no 
 -d metadata[attribute1]="value1" 
 -d metadata[attribute2]="value2" 
 -H "Authorization: Bearer ALK_eSMRuwJ2Al..."
  "id": "wx4Vn4no",
  "type": "cart",
  "created_at": 1665684173,
  "items": [
      "id": "wx4Vn4no",
      "type": "cart_item",
      "created_at": 1665684173,
      "price": {
        "amount": "100.00",
        "converted_amount": "100.00",
        "converted_currency": "EUR",
        "currency": "USD"
      "product": "vxqQJ3Yg",
      "quantity": 1
  "metadata": {
    "attribute1": "value1",
    "attribute2": "value2"
  "profile": "MzYwlE50",
  "properties": [],
  "reference": "ABC123",
  "session": "Vdqlg4nL",
  "source": null

Delete a cart

Permanently deletes the specified cart.

curl -X DELETE https://api.hellotext.com/v1/attribution/carts/wx4Vn4no 
 -H "Authorization: Bearer ALK_eSMRuwJ2Al..."
  "id": "wx4Vn4no",
  "type": "cart",
  "deleted": true

List all carts

Lists existing carts sorting by most recent ones. Pagination parameters are available in lists.

Display results listed before (more recent) than the given id.
Limit how many results to show. Default is 25. Maximum is 100.
Display results listed after (older) than the given id.
curl -G https://api.hellotext.com/v1/attribution/carts 
 -d limit=5 
 -H "Authorization: Bearer ALK_eSMRuwJ2Al..."
  "carts": [
      "id": "wx4Vn4no",
      "type": "cart",
      "created_at": 1665684173,
      "items": [
          "id": "wx4Vn4no",
          "type": "cart_item",
          "created_at": 1665684173,
          "price": {
            "amount": "100.00",
            "converted_amount": "100.00",
            "converted_currency": "EUR",
            "currency": "USD"
          "product": "vxqQJ3Yg",
          "quantity": 1
      "metadata": {},
      "profile": "MzYwlE50",
      "properties": [],
      "reference": "ABC123",
      "session": "Vdqlg4nL",
      "source": null


Events represent the individual actions of your customers that you want to track. All events are always associated to a profile through a session or profile.

An event always requires a action that you want to track. See the Tracking section for more information on the different ways to track events.

  POST /v1/attribution/events
   GET /v1/attribution/events/:id
 PATCH /v1/attribution/events/:id
DELETE /v1/attribution/events/:id
   GET /v1/attribution/events

The event object

Unique identifier of the event object.
Type of object. This is always event.
A hash that represents the action object. Show child attributes
Monetary amount that represents the revenue associated to this tracked event. Default value is null.
Monetary amount that represents the amount converted to the business' reporting currency.
Currency for the converted_amount given in ISO 4217 format
Date of creation of the event object.
Currency for the amount given in ISO 4217 format. Default value is always USD.
Set of key-value pairs that you can attach to an object. This can be useful for storing additional information about the object in a structured format.
Required if session is not specified. Unique identifier of the profile object this event belongs to. If not explicitly specified, the profile identifier can be inherited when the session parameter is specified and the session is already associated to a profile or becomes later attached to one.
Required if profile is not specified. Identifier of the session object this event belongs to. Sessions are identifiers generated automatically from clicks by visitors on short links or from the Hellotext.js library when keeping track of anonymous visitors. It is a way to track events on the client-side without authenticating or disclosing the profile identifier allowing to associate it later to a profile securely on the server-side. More on Sessions.
A hash that represents the object tracked. Show child attributes
Original date when the event happened. This is useful if you want to record an event that happened in the past. If no value is provided its value will be the same from created_at.
The url of the page this event occurred at.
  "id": "xnqJQ47v",
  "type": "event",
  "action": {
    "id": "Wvqz2qD1",
    "name": "order.confirmed",
    "title": "Product purchased"
  "amount": 199.95,
  "converted_amount": "19.90",
  "converted_amount_currency": "EUR",
  "created_at": 1665684173,
  "currency": "USD",
  "metadata": {},
  "profile": "MzYwlE50",
  "session": "Vdqlg4nL",
  "trackable": {
    "id": "ro4a731w",
    "type": "order",
    "amount": 199.95,
    "currency": "USD",
    "product_ids": ["xnqJQ47v"]
  "tracked_at": "1665684173",

Retrieve an event

Retrieves an existing event.

curl -G https://api.hellotext.com/v1/attribution/events/xnqJQ47v \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer ALK_eSMRuwJ2Al..."

Update an event

Updates the specified event with the provided information.

The name of the action
Monetary amount that represents the revenue associated to this tracked event. Default value is null.
Unique identifier of the app object associated to this event.
Currency for the amount given in ISO 4217 format. Default value is always USD.
Unique identifier of the form object associated to this event.
Set of key-value pairs that you can attach to an object. This can be useful for storing additional information about the object in a structured format.
Unique identifier of the order object associated to this event.
Unique identifier of the product object associated to this event.
An array of product identifiers associated to this event.
Required if session is not specified. Unique identifier of the profile object this event belongs to. If not explicitly specified, the profile identifier can be inherited when the session parameter is specified and the session is already associated to a profile or becomes later attached to one.
Unique identifier of the refund object associated to this event.
Required if profile is not specified. Identifier of the session object this event belongs to. Sessions are identifiers generated automatically from clicks by visitors on short links or from the Hellotext.js library when keeping track of anonymous visitors. It is a way to track events on the client-side without authenticating or disclosing the profile identifier allowing to associate it later to a profile securely on the server-side. More on Sessions.
Original date when the event happened. This is useful if you want to record an event that happened in the past. If no value is provided its value will be the same from created_at.
The url of the page this event occurred at.
curl https://api.hellotext.com/v1/attribution/events/xnqJQ47v \
  -d amount=295.00 \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer ALK_eSMRuwJ2Al..."
  "id": "xnqJQ47v",
  "type": "event",
  "action": {
    "id": "Wvqz2qD1",
    "name": "order.confirmed",
    "title": "Product purchased"
  "amount": 295.00,
  "converted_amount": "19.90",
  "converted_amount_currency": "EUR",
  "created_at": 1665684173,
  "currency": "USD",
  "metadata": {},
  "profile_id": "MzYwlE50",
  "session_id": "Vdqlg4nL",
  "trackable": {
    "id": "ro4a731w",
    "type": "order",
    "amount": 199.95,
    "currency": "USD",
    "product_ids": ["xnqJQ47v"]
  "tracked_at": "1665684173",

Delete an event

Permanently deletes the specified event.

curl -X DELETE https://api.hellotext.com/v1/attribution/events/xnqJQ47v \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer ALK_eSMRuwJ2Al..."
  "id": "xnqJQ47v",
  "type": "event",
  "deleted": true

List all events

Lists existing events sorting by most recent ones. Pagination parameters are available in lists.

Display results listed after (older) than the given id.
Display results listed before (more recent) than the given id.
Limit how many results to show. Default is 25. Maximum is 100.
curl -G https://api.hellotext.com/v1/attribution/events \
  -d limit=5 \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer ALK_eSMRuwJ2Al..."
  "events": [
      "id": "xnqJQ47v",
      "type": "event",
      "action": {
        "id": "Wvqz2qD1",
        "name": "order.confirmed",
        "title": "Product purchased"
      "amount": 199.95,
      "converted_amount": "19.90",
      "converted_amount_currency": "EUR",
      "created_at": 1665684173
      "currency": "USD",
      "metadata": {},
      "profile": "MzYwlE50",
      "session": "Vdqlg4nL",
      "trackable": {
        "id": "ro4a731w",
        "type": "order",
        "amount": 199.95,
        "currency": "USD",
        "product_ids": ["xnqJQ47v"]
      "tracked_at": "1665684173"


An object represents a custom type of object that is specific to your application's needs. Objects are used to describe the shape of data that the instances will use.

Every business by default has access to the default object blueprint, which you can modify to suit your needs. Built-in object properties cannot be edited nor removed, however, you can add additional custom properties to built-in objects.

Once created, you can use the Tracking API to track specific actions that the object performed.

  • POST


  • GET






  • GET



Unique identifier of the object.
Type of object. This is always object.
Date of creation of the object.
The kind of the object. This is custom for any additional objects you create.
Possible enum values
The parameterized name of the Object. This is used when tracking events via the API. For example, if the object's name is appointment, you can use appointment=id to track an existing appointment, or use appointment_params to create a new object when tracking.
The properties of the object. This list determines the shape each instance of the object will have. Whether it is unique, and/or required.

Built-in properties cannot be modified, however, they can be reordered alongside new properties you introduce. Show child attributes
The humanized name, this is used throughout the dashboard.
  "id": "zGrDJ1Lb",
  "type": "object",
  "created_at": 1739128395,
  "kind": "custom",
  "name": "appointment",
  "properties": [
      "id": "zGrDJ1Lb",
      "kind": "text",
      "required": false,
      "modifiable": true,
      "name": "room",
      "unique": false
      "id": "zGrDJ1Lb",
      "kind": "time",
      "required": true,
      "modifiable": true,
      "name": "Booked at",
      "unique": false
  "title": "Appointment"

Create Object

Create a new object.

The parameterized name of the Object. This is used when tracking events via the API. For example, if the object's name is appointment, you can use appointment=id to track an existing appointment, or use appointment_params to create a new object when tracking.
The properties of the object. This list determines the shape each instance of the object will have. Whether it is unique, and/or required.

Built-in properties cannot be modified, however, they can be reordered alongside new properties you introduce. Show child attributes
The humanized name, this is used throughout the dashboard.
curl -X POST https://api.hellotext.com/v1/objects 
 -d name="appointment" 
 -d title="Appointment" 
 -H "Authorization: Bearer ALK_eSMRuwJ2Al..."
  "id": "zGrDJ1Lb",
  "type": "object",
  "created_at": 1739128395,
  "kind": "custom",
  "name": "appointment",
  "properties": [
      "id": "zGrDJ1Lb",
      "kind": "text",
      "required": false,
      "modifiable": true,
      "name": "room",
      "unique": false
      "id": "zGrDJ1Lb",
      "kind": "time",
      "required": true,
      "modifiable": true,
      "name": "Booked at",
      "unique": false
  "title": "Appointment"

Retrieve an Object

Retrieves an existing object.

curl -G https://api.hellotext.com/v1/objects/vxqQJ3Yg 
 -H "Authorization: Bearer ALK_eSMRuwJ2Al..."
  "id": "vxqQJ3Yg",
  "type": "object",
  "created_at": 1739128395,
  "kind": "custom",
  "name": "appointment",
  "properties": [
      "id": "zGrDJ1Lb",
      "kind": "text",
      "required": false,
      "modifiable": true,
      "name": "room",
      "unique": false
      "id": "zGrDJ1Lb",
      "kind": "time",
      "required": true,
      "modifiable": true,
      "name": "Booked at",
      "unique": false
  "title": "Appointment"

Update an Object

Updates an existing object.

The parameterized name of the Object. This is used when tracking events via the API. For example, if the object's name is appointment, you can use appointment=id to track an existing appointment, or use appointment_params to create a new object when tracking.
The properties of the object. This list determines the shape each instance of the object will have. Whether it is unique, and/or required.

If an entry contains a id, then that property will be updated. Any entries without an id will be created and appended to the end of the properties list unless a position is specified. Show child attributes
The humanized name, this is used throughout the dashboard.
curl -X PATCH https://api.hellotext.com/v1/objects/vxqQJ3Yg 
 -d name="customer" 
 -d title="Customers" 
 -H "Authorization: Bearer ALK_eSMRuwJ2Al..."
  "id": "vxqQJ3Yg",
  "type": "object",
  "created_at": 1739128395,
  "kind": "custom",
  "name": "customer",
  "properties": [
      "id": "zGrDJ1Lb",
      "kind": "text",
      "required": false,
      "modifiable": true,
      "name": "room",
      "unique": false
      "id": "zGrDJ1Lb",
      "kind": "time",
      "required": true,
      "modifiable": true,
      "name": "Booked at",
      "unique": false
  "title": "Customers"

Destroy an Object

Deletes an object.

curl -X DELETE https://api.hellotext.com/v1/objects/vxqQJ3Yg 
 -H "Authorization: Bearer ALK_eSMRuwJ2Al..."
  "id": "vxqQJ3Yg",
  "type": "object",
  "deleted": true

List all Objects

Lists existing objects sorting by most recent ones. Pagination parameters are available in lists.

Display results listed before (more recent) than the given id.
Limit how many results to show. Default is 25. Maximum is 100.
Display results listed after (older) than the given id.
curl -G https://api.hellotext.com/v1/objects 
 -d limit=5 
 -H "Authorization: Bearer ALK_eSMRuwJ2Al..."
  "objects": [
      "id": "zGrDJ1Lb",
      "type": "object",
      "created_at": 1739128395,
      "kind": "custom",
      "name": "appointment",
      "properties": [
          "id": "zGrDJ1Lb",
          "kind": "text",
          "required": false,
          "modifiable": true,
          "name": "room",
          "unique": false
          "id": "zGrDJ1Lb",
          "kind": "time",
          "required": true,
          "modifiable": true,
          "name": "Booked at",
          "unique": false
      "title": "Appointment"

The Order object

Orders represent groups of products that you can use when tracking order.placed, order.confirmed, order.shipped, order.cancelled and order.delivered events.

Order objects come with a set of built-in properties. In addition, you can add your own custom properties to the order object. Learn more about Objects.

Learn how Track order events.

  • POST


  • GET






  • GET


The Order object

Unique identifier of the order object.
Type of object. This is always order.
Date of creation of the order object.
Specifies how the order must be delivered to the customer. It can be use on Journeys to set different conditions based on this value. Possible values are collect when customers buys directly on store or pickup from store and deliver when shipping the package to the customer address. This attribute is not set by default.
Possible enum values
A collection of items included in the order. Show child attributes
Set of key-value pairs that you can attach to an object. This can be useful for storing additional information about the object in a structured format.
A list of additional properties that have been added to the Object. Show child attributes
The order number or original identifier from the external source that created the order.
The identifier of the platform where the order was created from.
A hash representing the total and converted total of the order. Show child attributes
  "id": "ro4a731w",
  "type": "order",
  "created_at": 1665684173,
  "delivery": "deliver",
  "items": [
      "id": "vxqQJ3Yg",
      "type": "order_item",
      "price": {
        "amount": "395.00",
        "currency": "USD",
        "converted_amount": "19.90",
        "converted_currency": "EUR"
      "product": "vxqQJ3Yg",
      "quantity": 1
  "metadata": {},
  "properties": [],
  "reference": "1234",
  "source": null,
  "total": {
    "amount": "395.00",
    "converted_amount": "19.90",
    "converted_amount_currency": "EUR",
    "currency": "USD"

Create an Order

Creates a new order.

Specifies how the order must be delivered to the customer. It can be use on Journeys to set different conditions based on this value. Possible values are collect when customers buys directly on store or pickup from store and deliver when shipping the package to the customer address. This attribute is not set by default.
Possible enum values
A collection of items included in the order. Show child attributes
Set of key-value pairs that you can attach to an object. This can be useful for storing additional information about the object in a structured format.
Set a property value by passing the property's name, for example property[Active]=true. This is useful to set a value for any custom property you have added to the Object. You can remove an existing property by passing null.
Set a property value by passing the property's id, for example property_by_id[gVlpOkwJ]=true. This is useful to set a value for any custom property you have added to the Object. You can remove an existing property by passing null.
The order number or original identifier from the external source that created the order.
The identifier of the platform where the order was created from.
curl -X POST https://api.hellotext.com/v1/attribution/orders 
 -d reference="vxqQJ3YQ" 
 -d source="shopify" 
 -H "Authorization: Bearer ALK_eSMRuwJ2Al..."
  "id": "ro4a731w",
  "type": "order",
  "created_at": 1665684173,
  "delivery": "deliver",
  "items": [
      "id": "vxqQJ3Yg",
      "type": "order_item",
      "price": {
        "amount": "395.00",
        "currency": "USD",
        "converted_amount": "19.90",
        "converted_currency": "EUR"
      "product": "vxqQJ3Yg",
      "quantity": 1
  "metadata": {},
  "properties": [],
  "reference": "vxqQJ3YQ",
  "source": "shopify",
  "total": {
    "amount": "395.00",
    "converted_amount": "19.90",
    "converted_amount_currency": "EUR",
    "currency": "USD"

Retrieve an Order

Retrieves the details of an existing order.

curl -G https://api.hellotext.com/v1/attribution/orders/vxqQJ3Yg 
 -H "Authorization: Bearer ALK_eSMRuwJ2Al..."
  "id": "ro4a731w",
  "type": "order",
  "created_at": 1665684173,
  "delivery": "deliver",
  "items": [
      "id": "vxqQJ3Yg",
      "type": "order_item",
      "price": {
        "amount": "395.00",
        "currency": "USD",
        "converted_amount": "19.90",
        "converted_currency": "EUR"
      "product": "vxqQJ3Yg",
      "quantity": 1
  "metadata": {},
  "properties": [],
  "reference": "1234",
  "source": null,
  "total": {
    "amount": "395.00",
    "converted_amount": "19.90",
    "converted_amount_currency": "EUR",
    "currency": "USD"

Update an Order

Updates an existing order.

Specifies how the order must be delivered to the customer. It can be use on Journeys to set different conditions based on this value. Possible values are collect when customers buys directly on store or pickup from store and deliver when shipping the package to the customer address. This attribute is not set by default.
Possible enum values
Set of key-value pairs that you can attach to an object. This can be useful for storing additional information about the object in a structured format.
Set a property value by passing the property's name, for example property[Active]=true. This is useful to set a value for any custom property you have added to the Object. You can remove an existing property by passing null.
Set a property value by passing the property's id, for example property_by_id[gVlpOkwJ]=true. This is useful to set a value for any custom property you have added to the Object. You can remove an existing property by passing null.
The order number or original identifier from the external source that created the order.
The identifier of the platform where the order was created from.
curl -X PATCH https://api.hellotext.com/v1/attribution/orders/vxqQJ3Yg 
 -d name="Yeezy boost 350 v2" 
 -d sku="5678" 
 -H "Authorization: Bearer ALK_eSMRuwJ2Al..."
  "id": "vxqQJ3YQ",
  "type": "order",
  "created_at": 1665684173,
  "delivery": "deliver",
  "items": [
      "id": "vxqQJ3Yg",
      "type": "order_item",
      "price": {
        "amount": "395.00",
        "currency": "USD",
        "converted_amount": "19.90",
        "converted_currency": "EUR"
      "product": "vxqQJ3Yg",
      "quantity": 1
  "metadata": {},
  "properties": [],
  "reference": "1234",
  "source": null,
  "total": {
    "amount": "395.00",
    "converted_amount": "19.90",
    "converted_amount_currency": "EUR",
    "currency": "USD"
  "name": "Yeezy boost 350 v2",
  "sku": "5678"

Destroy an Order

Deletes an order.

curl -X DELETE https://api.hellotext.com/v1/attribution/orders/vxqQJ3Yg 
 -H "Authorization: Bearer ALK_eSMRuwJ2Al..."
  "id": "vxqQJ3Yg",
  "type": "order",
  "deleted": true

List all Orders

Lists existing orders sorting by most recent ones. Pagination parameters are available in lists.

Display results listed before (more recent) than the given id.
Limit how many results to show. Default is 25. Maximum is 100.
Display results listed after (older) than the given id.
curl -G https://api.hellotext.com/v1/attribution/orders 
 -d limit=5 
 -H "Authorization: Bearer ALK_eSMRuwJ2Al..."
  "orders": [
      "id": "ro4a731w",
      "type": "order",
      "created_at": 1665684173,
      "delivery": "deliver",
      "items": [
          "id": "vxqQJ3Yg",
          "type": "order_item",
          "price": {
            "amount": "395.00",
            "currency": "USD",
            "converted_amount": "19.90",
            "converted_currency": "EUR"
          "product": "vxqQJ3Yg",
          "quantity": 1
      "metadata": {},
      "properties": [],
      "reference": "1234",
      "source": null,
      "total": {
        "amount": "395.00",
        "converted_amount": "19.90",
        "converted_amount_currency": "EUR",
        "currency": "USD"

The Order Item object.

Describes a product in an order.

  • POST






The Order Item object.

The unique identifier for the order item.
The type of the object. This is always order_item.
Date of creation of the object.
A hash representing the price and converted price of the order item. Show child attributes
The unique identifier of the product.
The quantity of the product.
  "id": "vxqQJ3Yg",
  "type": "order_item",
  "price": {
    "amount": "395.00",
    "currency": "USD",
    "converted_amount": "19.90",
    "converted_currency": "EUR"
  "product": "vxqQJ3Yg",
  "quantity": 1

Create an Order Item

Adds a product to an order.

The Order's total will be updated automatically to reflect the new item.

A hash representing the price and converted price of the order item. When unspecified, the property will be inherited from the product. Show child attributes
A unique identifier (id, reference or sku) of a product or product variant.
The quantity of the product. Defaults to 1.
curl -X POST https://api.hellotext.com/v1/attribution/orders/vxqQJ3YQ/items 
 -H "Authorization: Bearer ALK_eSMRuwJ2Al..."
  "id": "vxqQJ3Yg",
  "type": "order_item",
  "price": {
    "amount": "395.00",
    "currency": "USD",
    "converted_amount": "19.90",
    "converted_currency": "EUR"
  "product": "vxqQJ3Yg",
  "quantity": 1,
  "order": "vxqQJ3YQ"

Update an Order Item

Update a specific item's attributes.

The order's total will be updated automatically to reflect the changes.

A hash representing the price and converted price of the order item. When unspecified, the property will be inherited from the product. Show child attributes
The quantity of the product. Defaults to 1.
curl -X PATCH https://api.hellotext.com/v1/attribution/orders/vxqQJ3YQ/items/xqQJ3YQ 
 -d quantity=5 
 -H "Authorization: Bearer ALK_eSMRuwJ2Al..."
  "id": "xqQJ3YQ",
  "type": "order_item",
  "price": {
    "amount": "395.00",
    "currency": "USD",
    "converted_amount": "19.90",
    "converted_currency": "EUR"
  "product": "vxqQJ3Yg",
  "quantity": 5,
  "order": "vxqQJ3YQ"

Delete an Order Item

Removes a product from an order.

The Order's total will be updated automatically to reflect the removed item.

curl -X DELETE https://api.hellotext.com/v1/attribution/orders/vxqQJ3Yg/items/vxqQJ3Yg 
 -H "Authorization: Bearer ALK_eSMRuwJ2Al..."
  "id": "vxqQJ3Yg",
  "type": "order_item",
  "deleted": true


Product objects represent products that you can use to track actions through its lifecycle such as product.purchased and product.viewed or cart.added and cart.removed.

Product objects act as logical groups where you can group multiple actions to the same object for better reporting.

Product objects come with a set of built-in properties. In addition, you can add your own custom properties to the product object. Learn more about Objects.

Learn how Track product events.

  • POST


  • GET






  • GET


The Product Object

Unique identifier of the object.
Type of object. This is always product.
Name of the brand of the product.
A collection of categories represented as an array of strings.
Collection name for products that belongs to a collection.
Date of creation of the object.
An URL of the application icon in high resolution. Corresponds to the first variant.
Set of key-value pairs that you can attach to an object. This can be useful for storing additional information about the object in a structured format.
Any name given to the product for reference. This is also the name of the default first variant.
A hash representing the price of the product and the associated identifier. It also contains the converted_amount and converted_currency. Show child attributes
A list of additional properties that have been added to the Object. Show child attributes
The product's default variant number or original identifier from the external source that created the product.
A case-sensitive identifier for the product's default variant. For effective tracking and sales reporting, SKUs should be unique and no two product variants should include the same SKU in their details.
The source or platform where this product was generated from. Corresponds to the first variant.
A collection of tags represented as an array of strings.
An array of all variants of the current product. Each array contains the unique aspects of the variant compared to the parent. Each variant contains an id attribute that you can use to delete or update that specific variant. Show child attributes
  "id": "vxqQJ3Yg",
  "type": "product",
  "brand": "Adidas",
  "categories": [
  "collection": [
    "350 v2"
  "created_at": 1665684173,
  "metadata": {},
  "name": "Yeezy Boost 350 v2",
  "price": {
    "amount": 220.0,
    "converted_amount": 220.0,
    "converted_currency": "EUR",
    "currency": "USD"
  "properties": [],
  "reference": null,
  "sku": "1234567890",
  "source": null,
  "tags": [
  "variants": [
      "id": "vxqQJ3Yg",
      "type": "product_variant",
      "created_at": 1665684173,
      "image_url": "https://www.primesneakers.com/products/yeezy-350-v2.jpg",
      "metadata": {},
      "name": "Yeezy Boost 350 v2",
      "price": {
        "amount": 220.0,
        "converted_amount": 220.0,
        "converted_currency": "EUR",
        "currency": "USD"
      "product": "vxqQJ3YQ",
      "properties": [],
      "reference": null,
      "sku": "1234567890",
      "source": null

Create a product

Creates a new product.

Name of the brand of the product.
A collection of categories represented as an array of strings.
Collection name for products that belongs to a collection.
An URL pointing to an image of the product. We will download the image and store it on our servers. Please make sure the URL is publicly accessible because we will not be able to access it if it requires authentication.
Set of key-value pairs that you can attach to an object. This can be useful for storing additional information about the object in a structured format.
Any name given to the product for reference. This is also the name of the default first variant.
A hash representing the price of the product and the associated identifier. It also contains the converted_amount and converted_currency. Show child attributes
Set a property value by passing the property's name, for example property[Active]=true. This is useful to set a value for any custom property you have added to the Object. You can remove an existing property by passing null.
Set a property value by passing the property's id, for example property_by_id[gVlpOkwJ]=true. This is useful to set a value for any custom property you have added to the Object. You can remove an existing property by passing null.
The product's default variant number or original identifier from the external source that created the product.
A case-sensitive identifier for the product's default variant. For effective tracking and sales reporting, SKUs should be unique and no two product variants should include the same SKU in their details.
The source or platform where this product was generated from. Corresponds to the first variant.
A collection of tags represented as an array of strings.
An array of variant key-value hashes. A variant is created for each item in the array. Show child attributes
curl -X POST https://api.hellotext.com/v1/attribution/products 
 -d name="Sign-Up Form" 
 -H "Authorization: Bearer ALK_eSMRuwJ2Al..."
  "id": "vxqQJ3Yg",
  "type": "product",
  "brand": "Adidas",
  "categories": [
  "collection": [
    "350 v2"
  "created_at": 1665684173,
  "metadata": {},
  "name": "Sign-Up Form",
  "price": {
    "amount": 220.0,
    "converted_amount": 220.0,
    "converted_currency": "EUR",
    "currency": "USD"
  "properties": [],
  "reference": null,
  "sku": "1234567890",
  "source": null,
  "tags": [
  "variants": [
      "id": "vxqQJ3Yg",
      "type": "product_variant",
      "created_at": 1665684173,
      "image_url": "https://www.primesneakers.com/products/yeezy-350-v2.jpg",
      "metadata": {},
      "name": "Yeezy Boost 350 v2",
      "price": {
        "amount": 220.0,
        "converted_amount": 220.0,
        "converted_currency": "EUR",
        "currency": "USD"
      "product": "vxqQJ3YQ",
      "properties": [],
      "reference": null,
      "sku": "1234567890",
      "source": null

Retrieve a product

Retrieves an existing product. You can find a product by it's id, reference or sku.

curl -G https://api.hellotext.com/v1/attribution/products/vxqQJ3Yg 
 -H "Authorization: Bearer ALK_eSMRuwJ2Al..."

Update a product

Updates the specified product with the provided information. You can update a product by it's id, reference or sku.

Name of the brand of the product.
A collection of categories represented as an array of strings.
Collection name for products that belongs to a collection.
An URL pointing to an image of the product. We will download the image and store it on our servers. Please make sure the URL is publicly accessible because we will not be able to access it if it requires authentication.
Set of key-value pairs that you can attach to an object. This can be useful for storing additional information about the object in a structured format.
Any name given to the product for reference. This is also the name of the default first variant.
An array of new variants to add for the product. Each variant is a hash of key-value pairs. Show child attributes
A hash representing the price of the product and the associated identifier. It also contains the converted_amount and converted_currency. Show child attributes
Set a property value by passing the property's name, for example property[Active]=true. This is useful to set a value for any custom property you have added to the Object. You can remove an existing property by passing null.
Set a property value by passing the property's id, for example property_by_id[gVlpOkwJ]=true. This is useful to set a value for any custom property you have added to the Object. You can remove an existing property by passing null.
The product's default variant number or original identifier from the external source that created the product.
A case-sensitive identifier for the product's default variant. For effective tracking and sales reporting, SKUs should be unique and no two product variants should include the same SKU in their details.
A collection of tags represented as an array of strings.
Passing an empty array [] will remove all existing variants from the product. Please make sure to use the new_variants to add new variants for the product. Show child attributes
curl -X PATCH https://api.hellotext.com/v1/attribution/products/:id 
 -H "Authorization: Bearer ALK_eSMRuwJ2Al..."
  "id": "vxqQJ3Yg",
  "type": "product",
  "brand": "Adidas",
  "categories": [
  "collection": [
    "350 v2"
  "created_at": 1665684173,
  "metadata": {},
  "name": "Yeezy Boost 350 v2",
  "price": {
    "amount": 220.0,
    "converted_amount": 220.0,
    "converted_currency": "EUR",
    "currency": "USD"
  "properties": [],
  "reference": null,
  "sku": "1234567890",
  "source": null,
  "tags": [
  "variants": [
      "id": "vxqQJ3Yg",
      "type": "product_variant",
      "created_at": 1665684173,
      "image_url": "https://www.primesneakers.com/products/yeezy-350-v2.jpg",
      "metadata": {},
      "name": "Yeezy Boost 350 v2",
      "price": {
        "amount": 220.0,
        "converted_amount": 220.0,
        "converted_currency": "EUR",
        "currency": "USD"
      "product": "vxqQJ3YQ",
      "properties": [],
      "reference": null,
      "sku": "1234567890",
      "source": null

Delete a product

Permanently deletes the specified product. You can delete a product by it's id, reference or sku.

curl -X DELETE https://api.hellotext.com/v1/attribution/products/vxqQJ3Yg 
 -H "Authorization: Bearer ALK_eSMRuwJ2Al..."
  "id": "vxqQJ3Yg",
  "type": "product",
  "deleted": true

List all products

Lists existing products sorting by most recent ones. Pagination parameters are available in lists.

Display results listed before (more recent) than the given id.
Limit how many results to show. Default is 25. Maximum is 100.
Display results listed after (older) than the given id.
curl -G https://api.hellotext.com/v1/attribution/products 
 -d limit=5 
 -H "Authorization: Bearer ALK_eSMRuwJ2Al..."
  "products": [
      "id": "vxqQJ3Yg",
      "type": "product",
      "brand": "Adidas",
      "categories": [
      "collection": [
        "350 v2"
      "created_at": 1665684173,
      "metadata": {},
      "name": "Yeezy Boost 350 v2",
      "price": {
        "amount": 220.0,
        "converted_amount": 220.0,
        "converted_currency": "EUR",
        "currency": "USD"
      "properties": [],
      "reference": null,
      "sku": "1234567890",
      "source": null,
      "tags": [
      "variants": [
          "id": "vxqQJ3Yg",
          "type": "product_variant",
          "created_at": 1665684173,
          "image_url": "https://www.primesneakers.com/products/yeezy-350-v2.jpg",
          "metadata": {},
          "name": "Yeezy Boost 350 v2",
          "price": {
            "amount": 220.0,
            "converted_amount": 220.0,
            "converted_currency": "EUR",
            "currency": "USD"
          "product": "vxqQJ3YQ",
          "properties": [],
          "reference": null,
          "sku": "1234567890",
          "source": null

Product Variants

The Product Variant object represents a specific variation of a product. For example, a product with a size and color can have multiple variants. Each variant can have a different price, SKU or reference.

Variants can be created directly when creating a Product through the variants parameter. Or when updating a product by passing the new_variants parameter.

Product objects come with a set of built-in properties. In addition, you can add your own custom properties to the product object. Learn more about Objects.

Learn how Track product events.

  • POST


  • GET






The Product Variant object

Unique identifier of the product variant object.
Type of object. This is always product_variant.
Date of creation of the product variant object.
URL of the image associated to the product variant.
Set of key-value pairs that you can attach to an object. This can be useful for storing additional information about the object in a structured format.
Any name given to the product variant for reference.
A hash representing the price of the product and the associated identifier. It also contains the converted_amount and converted_currency. Show child attributes
Identifier of the parent product object that this variant belongs to.
A list of additional properties that have been added to the Object. Show child attributes
The variant number or original identifier from the external source that created the product variant.
A case-sensitive identifier for the product variant. For effective tracking and sales reporting, SKUs should be unique and no two product variants should include the same SKU in their details.
The source or platform where this product variant was generated from. This is always the same as the parent product.
  "id": "vxqQJ3Yg",
  "type": "product_variant",
  "created_at": 1665684173,
  "image_url": "https://www.primesneakers.com/products/yeezy-350-v2.jpg",
  "metadata": {},
  "name": "Yeezy Boost 350 v2",
  "price": {
    "amount": 220.0,
    "converted_amount": 220.0,
    "converted_currency": "EUR",
    "currency": "USD"
  "product": "vxqQJ3YQ",
  "properties": [],
  "reference": null,
  "sku": "1234567890",
  "source": null

Create a Product Variant

Creates a new Product Variant.

Make sure to replace the :product with the id, reference or sku of the parent Product. We try to find the parent product firstly by the id, then by the reference and finally by the sku. When no parent product was found, a 404 error will be returned.

A URL pointing to an image of the product variant. We will download the image and store it on our servers. Please make sure the URL is publicly accessible because we will not be able to access it if it requires authentication.
Set of key-value pairs that you can attach to an object. This can be useful for storing additional information about the object in a structured format.
Any name given to the product variant for reference.
A hash representing the price of the product and the associated identifier. It also contains the converted_amount and converted_currency. Show child attributes
Set a property value by passing the property's name, for example property[Active]=true. This is useful to set a value for any custom property you have added to the Object. You can remove an existing property by passing null.
Set a property value by passing the property's id, for example property_by_id[gVlpOkwJ]=true. This is useful to set a value for any custom property you have added to the Object. You can remove an existing property by passing null.
The variant number or original identifier from the external source that created the product variant.
A case-sensitive identifier for the product variant. For effective tracking and sales reporting, SKUs should be unique and no two product variants should include the same SKU in their details.
The source or platform where this product variant was generated from. This is always the same as the parent product.
curl -X POST https://api.hellotext.com/v1/attribution/products/vxqQJ3YQ/variants 
 -d name="Yeezy boost 350 v2" 
 -d sku="1234567890" 
 -H "Authorization: Bearer ALK_eSMRuwJ2Al..."
  "id": "vxqQJ3Yg",
  "type": "product_variant",
  "created_at": 1665684173,
  "image_url": "https://www.primesneakers.com/products/yeezy-350-v2.jpg",
  "metadata": {},
  "name": "Yeezy boost 350 v2",
  "price": {
    "amount": 220.0,
    "converted_amount": 220.0,
    "converted_currency": "EUR",
    "currency": "USD"
  "product": "vxqQJ3YQ",
  "properties": [],
  "reference": null,
  "sku": "1234567890",
  "source": null

Retrieve a Product Variant

Retrieves the details of an existing Product Variant. You can fetch a Product Variant by its id, reference or sku.

curl -G https://api.hellotext.com/v1/attribution/variants/vxqQJ3Yg 
 -H "Authorization: Bearer ALK_eSMRuwJ2Al..."

Update a Product Variant

Updates the specified Product Variant. You can update a Product Variant by its id, reference or sku.

A URL pointing to an image of the product variant. We will download the image and store it on our servers. Please make sure the URL is publicly accessible because we will not be able to access it if it requires authentication.
Set of key-value pairs that you can attach to an object. This can be useful for storing additional information about the object in a structured format.
Any name given to the product variant for reference.
A hash representing the price of the product and the associated identifier. It also contains the converted_amount and converted_currency. Show child attributes
Set a property value by passing the property's name, for example property[Active]=true. This is useful to set a value for any custom property you have added to the Object. You can remove an existing property by passing null.
Set a property value by passing the property's id, for example property_by_id[gVlpOkwJ]=true. This is useful to set a value for any custom property you have added to the Object. You can remove an existing property by passing null.
The variant number or original identifier from the external source that created the product variant.
A case-sensitive identifier for the product variant. For effective tracking and sales reporting, SKUs should be unique and no two product variants should include the same SKU in their details.
The source or platform where this product variant was generated from. This is always the same as the parent product.
curl -X PATCH https://api.hellotext.com/v1/attribution/variants/vxqQJ3Yg 
 -d name="Yeezy boost 350 v2" 
 -d sku="5678" 
 -H "Authorization: Bearer ALK_eSMRuwJ2Al..."
  "id": "vxqQJ3YQ",
  "type": "product_variant",
  "created_at": 1665684173,
  "image_url": "https://www.primesneakers.com/products/yeezy-350-v2.jpg",
  "metadata": {},
  "name": "Yeezy boost 350 v2",
  "price": {
    "amount": 220.0,
    "converted_amount": 220.0,
    "converted_currency": "EUR",
    "currency": "USD"
  "product": "vxqQJ3YQ",
  "properties": [],
  "reference": null,
  "sku": "5678",
  "source": null

Destroy a Product Variant

Destroys the specified Product Variant. You can destroy a Product Variant by its id, reference or sku.

curl -X DELETE https://api.hellotext.com/v1/attribution/variants/vxqQJ3Yg 
 -H "Authorization: Bearer ALK_eSMRuwJ2Al..."
  "id": "vxqQJ3Yg",
  "type": "product_variant",
  "deleted": true


Refund objects represent refunds that you can use to track actions through its lifecycle such as refund.requested and refund.received.

Refund objects come with a set of built-in properties. In addition, you can add your own custom properties to the refund object. Learn more about Objects.

Learn how Track refund events.

  • POST


  • GET






  • GET


The Refund Object

Unique identifier of the object.
Type of object. This is always refund.
Date of creation of the object.
Set of key-value pairs that you can attach to an object. This can be useful for storing additional information about the object in a structured format.
Identifier of the associated profile object that this refund belongs to.
A list of additional properties that have been added to the Object. Show child attributes
The refund number or original identifier from the external source that created the refund.
The refunded object. Hash representing the associated order or product refunded.
The identifier of the platform where the refund was created from.
A hash representing the total and converted total of the refund. Show child attributes
  "id": "w83Pj4PY",
  "type": "refund",
  "created_at": 1665684173,
  "metadata": {},
  "profile": null,
  "properties": [],
  "reference": null,
  "refundable": {
    "id": "ro4a731w",
    "type": "order",
    "created_at": 1665684173,
    "delivery": "deliver",
    "items": [
        "id": "vxqQJ3Yg",
        "type": "order_item",
        "price": {
          "amount": "395.00",
          "currency": "USD",
          "converted_amount": "19.90",
          "converted_currency": "EUR"
        "product": "vxqQJ3Yg",
        "quantity": 1
    "metadata": {},
    "properties": [],
    "reference": "1234",
    "source": null,
    "total": {
      "amount": "395.00",
      "converted_amount": "19.90",
      "converted_amount_currency": "EUR",
      "currency": "USD"
  "source": null,
  "total": {
    "amount": 199.95,
    "converted_amount": 199.95,
    "converted_currency": "EUR",
    "currency": "USD"

Create a Refund

Creates a new refund.

Set of key-value pairs that you can attach to an object. This can be useful for storing additional information about the object in a structured format.
Identifier of the order object associated to this refund. The order will be set as the refundable object.
Identifier of the product object associated to this refund. The product will be set as the refundable object.
Identifier of the associated profile object that this refund belongs to.
Set a property value by passing the property's name, for example property[Active]=true. This is useful to set a value for any custom property you have added to the Object. You can remove an existing property by passing null.
Set a property value by passing the property's id, for example property_by_id[gVlpOkwJ]=true. This is useful to set a value for any custom property you have added to the Object. You can remove an existing property by passing null.
The refund number or original identifier from the external source that created the refund.
The identifier of the platform where the refund was created from.
A hash representing the total and converted total of the refund.
A hash representing the total and converted total of the refund. Show child attributes
curl -X POST https://api.hellotext.com/v1/attribution/refunds 
 -H "Authorization: Bearer ALK_eSMRuwJ2Al..."
  "id": "w83Pj4PY",
  "type": "refund",
  "created_at": 1665684173,
  "metadata": {},
  "profile": null,
  "properties": [],
  "reference": null,
  "refundable": {
    "id": "ro4a731w",
    "type": "order",
    "created_at": 1665684173,
    "delivery": "deliver",
    "items": [
        "id": "vxqQJ3Yg",
        "type": "order_item",
        "price": {
          "amount": "395.00",
          "currency": "USD",
          "converted_amount": "19.90",
          "converted_currency": "EUR"
        "product": "vxqQJ3Yg",
        "quantity": 1
    "metadata": {},
    "properties": [],
    "reference": "1234",
    "source": null,
    "total": {
      "amount": "395.00",
      "converted_amount": "19.90",
      "converted_amount_currency": "EUR",
      "currency": "USD"
  "source": null,
  "total": {
    "amount": 199.95,
    "converted_amount": 199.95,
    "converted_currency": "EUR",
    "currency": "USD"

Retrieve a Refund

Retrieves an existing refund.

curl -G https://api.hellotext.com/v1/attribution/refunds/vxqQJ3Yg 
 -H "Authorization: Bearer ALK_eSMRuwJ2Al..."
  "id": "vxqQJ3Yg",
  "type": "refund",
  "created_at": 1665684173,
  "metadata": {},
  "profile": null,
  "properties": [],
  "reference": null,
  "refundable": {
    "id": "ro4a731w",
    "type": "order",
    "created_at": 1665684173,
    "delivery": "deliver",
    "items": [
        "id": "vxqQJ3Yg",
        "type": "order_item",
        "price": {
          "amount": "395.00",
          "currency": "USD",
          "converted_amount": "19.90",
          "converted_currency": "EUR"
        "product": "vxqQJ3Yg",
        "quantity": 1
    "metadata": {},
    "properties": [],
    "reference": "1234",
    "source": null,
    "total": {
      "amount": "395.00",
      "converted_amount": "19.90",
      "converted_amount_currency": "EUR",
      "currency": "USD"
  "source": null,
  "total": {
    "amount": 199.95,
    "converted_amount": 199.95,
    "converted_currency": "EUR",
    "currency": "USD"

Update a Refund

Updates an existing refund.

Set of key-value pairs that you can attach to an object. This can be useful for storing additional information about the object in a structured format.
Identifier of the order object associated to this refund. The order will be set as the refundable object.
Identifier of the product object associated to this refund. The product will be set as the refundable object.
Identifier of the associated profile object that this refund belongs to.
Set a property value by passing the property's name, for example property[Active]=true. This is useful to set a value for any custom property you have added to the Object. You can remove an existing property by passing null.
Set a property value by passing the property's id, for example property_by_id[gVlpOkwJ]=true. This is useful to set a value for any custom property you have added to the Object. You can remove an existing property by passing null.
The refund number or original identifier from the external source that created the refund.
The identifier of the platform where the refund was created from.
A hash representing the total and converted total of the refund.
A hash representing the total and converted total of the refund. Show child attributes
curl -X PATCH https://api.hellotext.com/v1/attribution/refunds/:id 
 -H "Authorization: Bearer ALK_eSMRuwJ2Al..."
  "id": "w83Pj4PY",
  "type": "refund",
  "created_at": 1665684173,
  "metadata": {},
  "profile": null,
  "properties": [],
  "reference": null,
  "refundable": {
    "id": "ro4a731w",
    "type": "order",
    "created_at": 1665684173,
    "delivery": "deliver",
    "items": [
        "id": "vxqQJ3Yg",
        "type": "order_item",
        "price": {
          "amount": "395.00",
          "currency": "USD",
          "converted_amount": "19.90",
          "converted_currency": "EUR"
        "product": "vxqQJ3Yg",
        "quantity": 1
    "metadata": {},
    "properties": [],
    "reference": "1234",
    "source": null,
    "total": {
      "amount": "395.00",
      "converted_amount": "19.90",
      "converted_amount_currency": "EUR",
      "currency": "USD"
  "source": null,
  "total": {
    "amount": 199.95,
    "converted_amount": 199.95,
    "converted_currency": "EUR",
    "currency": "USD"

Destroy a Refund

Destroys an existing refund.

curl -X DELETE https://api.hellotext.com/v1/attribution/refunds/vxqQJ3Yg 
 -H "Authorization: Bearer ALK_eSMRuwJ2Al..."
  "id": "vxqQJ3Yg",
  "type": "refund",
  "deleted": true

List all Refunds

Lists all refunds.

Display results listed before (more recent) than the given id.
Limit how many results to show. Default is 25. Maximum is 100.
Display results listed after (older) than the given id.
curl -G https://api.hellotext.com/v1/attribution/refunds 
 -d limit=5 
 -H "Authorization: Bearer ALK_eSMRuwJ2Al..."
  "refunds": [
      "id": "w83Pj4PY",
      "type": "refund",
      "created_at": 1665684173,
      "metadata": {},
      "profile": null,
      "properties": [],
      "reference": null,
      "refundable": {
        "id": "ro4a731w",
        "type": "order",
        "created_at": 1665684173,
        "delivery": "deliver",
        "items": [
            "id": "vxqQJ3Yg",
            "type": "order_item",
            "price": {
              "amount": "395.00",
              "currency": "USD",
              "converted_amount": "19.90",
              "converted_currency": "EUR"
            "product": "vxqQJ3Yg",
            "quantity": 1
        "metadata": {},
        "properties": [],
        "reference": "1234",
        "source": null,
        "total": {
          "amount": "395.00",
          "converted_amount": "19.90",
          "converted_amount_currency": "EUR",
          "currency": "USD"
      "source": null,
      "total": {
        "amount": 199.95,
        "converted_amount": 199.95,
        "converted_currency": "EUR",
        "currency": "USD"


Sessions are unique identifiers generated when visitors click on short links and attached to the destination URL as a GET parameter called hello_session. You can think of a session as sharing the same known meaning from web browsers: it represents an active visitor browser and is device specific.

Tracking events specifying the session identifier will also keep an automatic association to the customer profile who clicked on the short link, aggregating the events to his history of activities and to the reporting of the campaign or journey where the message with the short link was present.

When tracking client-side events with the Hellotext.js library, there is no need to explicitly specify the session identifier as the library will take care of it behind the scenes.

To improve security and privacy we discourage disclosing the identifier of the profile directly on the browser. Because of this, the client-side Hellotext.js library only accepts to track events specifying a session and not to a profile directly.

It is possible to track events for non-identified visitors too. The Hellotext.js library creates a new session identifier for every new visitor when it does not find it defined as a parameter. You can store this session identifier, and later attach the profile when it becomes known, for example when the visitor logins into the store, places an order, or subscribes entering his phone number.

  PATCH /v1/sessions/:id

Attach session

Once the profile is known, attach it to the session so all its events tracked become part of his history of activities.

If you also want to change the session to a different profile, set the new profile identifier in the profile parameter and the session will be assigned to the new profile.

All carts associated with a session will be assigned to the profile you attach the session to.

You can pass the session uuid identifier generated from the client or the id of the session in the :id parameter to the API to perform operations on the session.

The profile to assign the session and its tracked events to.
curl https://api.hellotext.com/v1/sessions/WBAkaqNz \
  -d profile=MzYwlE50 \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer ALK_eSMRuwJ2Al..."
  "id": "WBAkaqNz",
  "type": "session",
  "profile": "MzYwlE50",
  "created_at": 1665684173,
  "uuid": "730a8d6b-fe22-4df0-b517-cc2e8197bd67"
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